@Zoltan720 I think Melee was too competitive for some people so they dumbed down the game in brawl and added specials to make it less skill dependent and more of a "fun" random winning game. I was very dissapointed with what they did with some characters in brawl :(
@roosteraxe1 Playstation plus is great considering it gives you free games to play o.O + will have all the suppoort xone has including Ps4 had streaming before xone they just announced streaming yesterday because before they only had skype support now they have twitch probably copying sony having that other streaming thing and sony is no doubt copying PC support which is not a bad idea but they're all headed that way anyways.
@Blank2k2 they both will play games. Will feathure similar online things aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd Ps4 has bigger support, better hardware and no restriction. You Sony hatters are delusional as fudge. But i would suggest you go to PC instead of bringing humanity's IQ down but that's too much to ask for lemmings.
Joedgabe's comments