@kohle36 @Bludders But even then the lag was still pretty bad in Demon Souls :/ at least there wasn't that many abusing players but still it's pretty bad. It would help the series a lot if they just remove it. There's already riposte for that.
@Bludders I think taking backtab from PvP all together would do wonders for the whole game in general. There was never any need for backstab, i thought that's what riposte was for in the first place.. a skillful crit not abusing lagstabs. The game in my opinion as a Demon and Dark Souls player would do better with out it. Maybe replace it with some kind of push that set's the enemy off balance ? but that would probably be abused also thanks to the lag.
you can pay 400m for an NFL deal and you can't pay a resident off who's already a fan for the Domain ? just give him a free x1 with lifetime membership and some free games. He's a fan don't toss him to court like that ... cruel!
@Stonecutters908 Being fair this is just mostly Microsoft. Nintendo doesn't do any of that but re-releases the same games over and over again sadly.... and Sony doesn't either But they put online passes on everything.
I didn't like the changes they made from Melee to brawl.... and i didn't like the fact brawl had about 1/3 of the characters a remade palette. I seriously hope they don't plan on doing that again.. i mean cmon.... 3 foxes? and forcing people to play that horrible campaign for characters was terrible! please make it like Melee again ! or just re-release Melee with updated rooster and don't screw up one of your best franchises anymore.
Joedgabe's comments