I never found FPS to be important in a game unless it's a fighting game @,@ i'm okay with 30FPS shooters and i don't think it matters at all on a racing game....
Deus Ex get's an IOS game.... FF 13 the worse FF game that has been made... get's 2 Sequels fully budgeted ? are you Freaking kidding me ? seriously? and you wonder why your money is going down the drain Square Enix ?
@abHS4L88 @blind59 Yes it is.. wth ? It is milked constantly... O_O How many times has Link to the Past been released ? how many times they have recycled the same ideas in the Zelda games? i've played all of them except skyward sword.. I''ve seen soooo many similar puzzles in different Zelda games, at some point i'll start finding the same quotes, shouldn't be hard considering Nintendo doesn't seem to ever pay someone for a script.
@MasterOfSprites @el_mariarchi_01 it's good as a consumer to see the metacritic to get the over all idea. In my opinion Mcshea is actually a joke.. i think he purposely does this for attention. I really don't see why Uncharted 3 is better than this game o.O he just purposely does this. The only GS reviewer i take seriously is Kevin.
@Kezzy123 what would be the point in having multiple consoles if they're all going to have the same games ? that would just create 1 singe console in the end to be dominant over the others and that company would completely screw the gamers. Is because multiple consoles fighting each other that we can have a lot of different games where everyone can find a game they like.
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