@CaptainGamespot Yea... great game... but full of scumbags. But if you play with friends it's always great...... except when your friends becomes the jerks and start picking on other players :/
@DomZeal says "explore" or "find resources " like many many many games today you explore a little to find things you need.... not "walk around to look at the scenery" hater :/
@LoveBird- depends on how much you make, If you have a fair job 65 is worth more than the fair price.... I earn 10 dollars and hour so if i play the game more than 6 hours it's already more than worth it for me. Not to mention the game will have online for those that like online.
@Goyoshi12 Saints row the third was great.. pay no mind to these people because most just love GTA and want a GTA this game is trying to make it's own name and it's hell of fun compared to GTA shoot out and shoot out always missions. This one may have you having an airborne wrestling match who knows.. but it's something enjoyable and fun. Not to mention playing the whole campaign co-op was truly sweet.
@ACWH 110$ game :P My brother bought it new for 60$ then bought the premium for 50$ and he's not even playing it for the longest. But you pay for what you feel like, I payed 60$ for ni no kuni and then ii bought the strategy guide for 40$ though it's not the same people getting the money i invested 100$ in that game with no regrets.
@sky-619 @luckylime I didn't call it RE4 more like it's children if you will. But the game may be fun and all but i can easil put natan drake instead of lara on it.. this game resembles nothing of tomb raider... it's a new game altogether. Taking the puzzles and trial and error out of omb raider is like making zelda a straight foward dungeon crawler hak n slash. This game has no identity rather it falsely takes one from another game to sell. Yes.. welcome to the new generation.. i just wished it was name something else as it should have been.
Joedgabe's comments