R.I.P Tomb Raider. it was a dying series already and this one just finished carving it's grave. This is no longer a Puzzle and trial and error game with a few tough enemies that could do you in if you're careless. But more of that new breed of games that have come out after Resident Evil 4. I was overwhelmed by how the game was turning out from reading it.. but i fooled myself into thinking it wasn't just another Action Game taking the face of a different game to sell more. @_@ they should have just let it die peacefully... it wasn't neccesary to name it tomb raider, it's pretty much a bit of false advertisement but oh well... In all honesty i hope everyone that buys it enjoys it.
@Randy21021 this is a rumor. Doesn't mean it's true.. just something posted to update the gamespot page... how many rumors have gamespot posted and we just forget about it the next day w/o even thinking ohh.. they really shouldn't post things like this.
@ryancyc @DemannameD Because some people don't really like video games and are just trolling on websites trying to find companions to hate on things. I mean we all know there's nothing worse than the Wii since video games started existing.
@Kjranu Well.. i don't wanna say you're wrong for having your own opinions however i like to think i'm an open minded person and I am a Classic RE Fan however RE4 was good... 5 was bad... and i bought 6 because many people like yourself kept shouting the game was fun especially Leon's campaign .. It took me and my brother nearly 2 months to just complete the leon campaign playing together because of how boring and annoying the game was. While it's nice to be positive and enjoy things it's also nice to point out where the reviewer was wrong.. and from experience none of the Reviews of RE6 were wrong... people just like playing mindless action games with action sequences. It was my own fault for buying the game however... from experience i think following a reviewer is more reliable than people most of the time ): sadly..
@anik786 They might have meant between them and M$. Let's be honest.. nintendo doesn't really have any competitors but it's always M$ vs Sony so quite often they don't really count Nintendo because even thought it holds a large amount of the peoples interest it doesn't really fit in with the Sony vs M$ even if it's first.
@appariti0n SquareEnix is not Squaresoft.. Squaresoft made good RPG... SquareEnix took those RPG's and moved them on... and then mess them up. Square Enix is a Great Publisher in my Opinion.. however when it comes to developers they're great in the Graphics department .. and that's the only compliment I can give... I can honestly say almost all the RPG developers are better than SquareEnix.
@2bitSmOkEy @Nzilla You 2 should try Resident Evil revelations.. that's how RE games should be like quite honestly... too bad it did have the BS action parts on it though.. but gameplay wise they got the formula right on that game. It plays like RE4 but the feel and enviroment from the old RE like tight corners and sneak attacks from many places.. they even added a dodge feature to dodge those attacks in tight escapes.
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