@DrKill09 This one is a survivor type game.. and i've seen more enemies lurking around than the popcorn zombies. Even if there is a lot of zombie games out there they're not really survivor horror. This is a very overshadowed genre even though it's greatly appreciated.
@ZOD777 They're mixing cinematic with do it your way gameplay that's a lot of work. I'd say it's hard enough just making enough possibilities for the game not to seem like ohh i've seen this too many times already. Though with just enough it doesn't get old. It didn't get old on Deus Ex when you K.O'd a unit or killed them from time to time with those cinematics.
@pokecharm It's usually when they're sure they're not going to postpone the date again. So as long as we don't hear any pre-order nonsense it's possible the game might still get delayed.
@Imperiacommando It doesn't sound soo good for The last of Us if GTA comes out the same month. It's obviously going to get over shadowed by it... too bad.. It's nice to see a New Game and not just Sequel spam.
@criminalscum87 They should have started working on some of those earlier to release in 2012... this year it has been really weak for me ): aside from darksiders 2 and pokemon.. there really hasn't been anything for me to be happy about.
It.... doesn't look good...... :s maybe the trailer doesn't show the full potential of the game but as of now i'm thinking it's only hyped because of the Nintendo logo.
Joedgabe's comments