@sinadoom i think you need to realize how people feel about this game, you can just read the comments down here.... pretty much people go like ohh this is just another movie. Which is what his whole point is.. people dismiss it because it doesn't have the action other games have and people wanna dismiss it as something else...... even though people loved The Walking Dead a game that is pretty much on the same genre as this one... as my friend would call it.. an interactive novel. He's just saying give it a try and see if you like it.. by playing the demo or borrowing it idk.. he's going for positive criticism since the game does have positive criticism and it hasn't even been released.
@Romangelo the Thing i hate about PC games having Xbox 360 output is that some only support xbox 360 controllers and not other type of controllers -.- which is stupid... hopefully having both now the PS4 and the x1 controllers available will broaden the horizon.
If it has "potential and power" why don't you use it for something good? Ubisoft sounds like an advertisement trying to push sales on their games to be honest.
There's nothing on the Wii U that i've seen that can't be on the other consoles yet there's plenty of the new gen console that can't be on the Wii U.
@Churze There is no Point Five SCale anymore... there is no .5 scale anymore.. it's either 8 or a 9.. and this game isn't as good at GTA V to be the same score as the game.. however it's still a good game.. there fore.. 8, and the second part of Wind Waker is full of fillers to drag the game longer i've played it.. you have to be obsessed with zelda not to notice it.
@smoker1993 i've played both.... Dota 2 is fun to play... but there's something more..... serious into playing league that makes it better than Dota 2... .that and the character designs in DOTA look like shit honestly... graphics are better though.
Joedgabe's comments