I would love a Majora's mask Remake.. however.... in the end it really wouldn't change the gameplay or have any changes now would it? so i would be happy if they re-released another Zelda collector's edition :P
@amillionhp uhmmm playing DOTA with a tablet will not be the same was playing it with a mouse and keyboard... unless you wanna leave out cross platform play then you're just asking to get horribly beaten.... DOTA is a competitive game... you won't have much fun if all you do is die because people have access to quicker controls.
sure.... i'll pay 600$ for a tablet to sell it for 200 dollars... i mean i could just give it to some one else if it's in proper working condition if i was to get a new one.. but nope.. i rather get a 200$ gift card for a store nobody wants to get anything from...
@Ovirew There are a couple of good games coming out for the vita.. but you have a very valid point in what you said.. but in the end you have to make the most of it with what you have. I own a 3DS and if you want an honest opinion... you have to be desperate with a lack of games to claim the 3DS is as great as some people do. There really isn't much on it either.. i think both companies are lacking in ideas for the handhelds and just throwing left overs on the handhelds.... which is a bit sad.... at least there's a new Zelda and pokemon game coming out.. even if they're rehashes there's always the effort put in those.. but those games can only last soo long.... I've played on the Vita before and it feels a lot better than the 3DS.. over all it should be better than the 3DS but it's not.. because of lack of support.
@udubdawgz it's not nice to insult other peole but you do have a point.. most people don't even use the capabilities of their phones at all.. just for flashing it... would at least used bigger screen phones to watch movies.. but nope.... still same old.
@Monsterkillah the PSeye cost 60 dollars so i'm assuming 460 ? with a second controller would probably be like 510ish ~ they do offer that Kill Zone bundle in EU though with a second controller and the PS eye for 500.
@AuronAXE It just honestly feels awkward when it's pushed too much... you know ? you're playing a game and you rather keep it a game and not be reminded of that type of sexuality on it. There's a lot of guys that get turned on by that sure.. but there's others like myself that don't really find pixel boobs attractive and this sort of thing kinda takes off reputation off guys, a lot of us aren't respectful towards women.. but a lot us don't wanna be categorized in the same group as them especially if you're playing a game and a girl comes in the room first thing she sees is that... it won't matter how you try to debate it it's just gonna be you watching pixel ass and tits.. and you'll look and feel like a loser.. unless you already accepted it to not know the difference.
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