...nah, it's just another sad edition ofJohnnyFox's
13th of November, 2007
Johnny's Site
I've been talking about my website a lot if anybody's been paying attention, and it's pretty obvious that I'm using Freewebs.com, which is the best free website hosting service ever. I don't know if it's the best paid service if you decide to get better tools and more web-space and bandwidth, but since I'm so poor, I've tried easily 20 different free hosts and all of them suck in one way or another compared to Freewebs. This isn't advertising, I'm just stating facts I've noticed.
Freewebs is easy to use, supports almost any file-extension you might think up and gives free members more web-space than most other services. It also doesn't automatically spam every single page in your folders with the annoying "You've won! Click here!" ads.
Now Freewebs has done something new to make the service even better: New, shorter web-address.
The old one was something like www.freewebs.com/yourwebsite, but the new one is yourwebsite.webs.com. A LOT better, isn't it?! Yes it is.
So, even though the old link still works (or has been working for the past couple of days) my website domain name is now officially johnnyfox.webs.com.
Another thing about my site.
If you have seen my website, you may have noticed the animations on the Videos page.
Well, I'm kind of worried now. You see, it takes a lot of time for users with slow connection to load all the images, and it can seriously hurt the traffic there if it takes several minutes for everyone to see the actual content there. That's why I've tried asking people whether they think the images take too long to load or not.
If enough people tell me that the images should be taken down, I'll just move them from the Videos page to the game video pages, so each page would only load up ONE image at a time. I think they look really nice, so I don't want to take them off completely.
Or what do you think?
GameSpot Tweaks
I see that Freewebs isn't the only website making it easier for normal users to do...whatever they're doing, as GameSpot.com has also changed something that I'm personally happy about. While writing this I noticed 2 things that are different from how I remembered, not sure if they are new additions or not.
When previewing a blog post, it now shows the text how it actually looks like when it's done. It doesn't sound like a big deal since it's only about the width of the text area, but it actually is a great change, me thinks.
The other change is how the buttons under the text-box are shown. They're now in 2 lines, not one.
The guys behind GameSpot should make these kind of changes more often, it makes the website look like it's evolving somewhere.
I just wish they'd fix the Union Video pages too. It only shows the newest 10 additions, the link "All union videos" still doesn't work.
I'm Sorry, Daniel and Leo
Manhunt 2 has been released in US already, most people should know that by now. It's still not sure if and when it comes to Europe, but since some people already play it I decided to say something about it here.
Some of you may have heard that I'm going to buy Manhunt 2, and no stupid kill-filter is going to stop me from doing that. I kept saying that all the time until the game was released in US. Well, now that I've seen videos of the game, especially after watching BonersGames' walkthrough of it on YouTube, I've changed my mind.
It doesn't look anything like I was hoping, it had nothing that really said "
Come Kill, Johnny, KILL!". The original Manhunt wasn't what I expected it to be either when I first bought it, but I enjoyed it since it had an unbelievable world. Manhunt 2 just doesn't look like anything I would enjoy.
I don't care about blood and gore, so the censoring doesn't bother me. It's the lack of good gangs and characters, even Daniel looks pretty boring to me, the world looked pretty generic and what I've heard the game has a lot of glitches.
Also, because R* had to take out the styIe rating, I really don't see any reason why I would be excited about getting it. Some of the levels looked somewhat interesting, but that's it.
So, for the first (and hopefully the last) time ever, I have to say I am not excited about a Rockstar Games game. I'm probably going to buy it if I see it in a bargain bin someday anyway, but now I'm even more excited about Beaterator than Manhunt 2*.
(*Note that I don't own a PSP and I really don't see the point of Beaterator.)
A long time ago, in a blog post far, far away, I wrote about my first impressions of the PS2 port of GTA: Vice City Stories. now, just recently I re-read it, and I thought it was pretty good, and says everything I think about the game now. So, I've decided to "write" a review of GTA:VCS and just paste the old text there. So it's nothing new, but if some of you new people reading my blog (none of the old ones do, they don't get fooled twice), you can just read the up-and-coming review.
Also, yesterday I broke out the old Worms 4: Mayhem again, after 9 months of not playing it. I got really pissed at it once, and stopped playing it since I had other new games to play back then. Well, I noticed that I've been wrong about it all this time. It's a great game, I should've just kept on playing it.
Since I'm already going to "write" a review of VCS, I've decided to really write a review of Worms 4 and praise it to some extent.
Read it when it's done, IF it's ever done. I've got a bad habit of not doing things.
There seems to be some snow on the ground already, not too much though. Mostly been raining lately, but tonight it was already -2 degrees Celsius when I checked.
Well, that's it from this NewsCast again. I didn't speak of myself in 3rd person this time like I usually do, maybe next time.
Good night!
This NewsCast doesn't represent JohnnyFox's views on anything in public.
Nothing here can be used against JohnnyFox in any kind of a debate or other hassle that could compromise JohnnyFox's reputation as a wise, handsome and funny man.
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