Well now you just wasted your time, buddy.
You should know my blog posts are NEVER worth reading, even when the title looks like you absolutely must click it.
Well, as you might know, I don't live for GameSpot anymore, or not in the way I used to, at least.
I've started uploading game videos to YouTube, and have forgotten my profile on GameSpot. I used to log on to GameSpot all the time before, I checked my 7 favourite unions, 6 favourite game specific boards, my profile and new blogs from friends often twice a day, + all my non-favourite unions and boards.
Now I still often log on to GameSpot more than once a day, but I only have one union and one game specific board I keep checking. I gave up the leadership in 2 of my unions, and I resigned from 12 unions altogether, and I rarely check my profile here. I also don't specifically hunt for emblems anymore, I only pick them up if I happen to earn them through something I actually want to do on GameSpot, like watching the live feeds or something.
It came to me as a surprise that I had leveled up to 31: Ippon! and I can't remember if I ever even saw level 30 in my profile. Now I just noticed that I have posted 4001 posts. Somehow the levels seems to go up faster when you don't stare at your profile 20 hours a day.
Also, I've made new friends through YouTube, I have found the fun of playing video games again and people seem to respect me more. It's only online respect, but at least there's more of it now.
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