I did nothing.
Well, I invited people to the Real Rockstar games union, but that's it.
I did nothing.
Well, I invited people to the Real Rockstar games union, but that's it.
I played Samurai Warriors 2 yesterday, started Masamune Date's story. Damn that game is good, and Masamune Date is one of the best characters in the game I noticed.
Something weird has happened lately. While browsing through unions and other forums, I see dozens of people who have the MOD tag under their names, and those people aren't actually mods at all. What's with that?
And my next video blog will be about my video games. I'll also try to listen to your comments and improve my videologs accordingly.
My first videoblog I made from a long videoclip.
The editing is bad, I cut the clips right from one video.
English isn't my first language, and this was basically my first time speaking it, unless you count the few sentences we read aloud in school, like "I have a car. The car is red. Someone just stole my red car, ******* bastard!"
I'm also a very shy person, so I die a little bit everytime I watch this video.
I don't like my own voice.
I have a weak bladder control.
I'm an emblem whore.
Enjoy! :D
Yesterday I started playing LOTR: The Two Towers just because I wanted to finish it and move on. After I finally started enjoying the game a bit, I hit a wall of disappointment and noticed that the game sucks ass.
Today at school I hurt my wrist and couldn't write anything comprehensible, and then I pulled my whole arm too hard somehow and now my elbow hurts. I've also suffered from severe stomach pains the whole day.
But I still intend to give myself some free-time, and I was thinking about spending it drawing tonight. Maybe I'll miraculously learn to draw well and I become a cartoonist! I just hope my wrist is doing better now...
Like I've said every so often, I don't feel like I have enough time for myself. I don't play video games anymore, I don't watch movies, I don't listen to music and I don't read comics. All I do is sit and wonder what I'm going to do with the spare time I got, and then it's gone.
What I'm proud of is that I've been pretty active with GameSpot stuff, I've done more for my unions than before, but since now everything depends on you (not YOU you, you the GS community) I really don't want to waste too much time waiting for something to happen on your side.
Real Rockstar Games union just needs active recruits, Old Saloon is waiting for new people, JFNC Central is doomed, the Warriors game and movie union is going down the drain and the Konami union I'm leading now for a while is hanging in there.
So all that union stuff is good, nothing for me to worry about.
I've also arranged my courses so I don't have to worry too much about school, and I'm not getting a job. I'm single now so there's no girlfriend, or any kind of friends for that matter, to please. I'm an adult so I don't have my family telling me when to sleep (actually, I do, I just don't listen) and I drink extensive amounts of coffee.
All this means that I can just stay at home without worrying about anything else than going to school for 5 hours every day, and I intend to waste all my free-time on video games and movies, even the nights.
Tell me that doesn't sound great! Because it does.
I know there's always a handful of people who actually read my blogs, so could you (the handful) please check The Real Rockstar Games union and tell me how you like the new union map.
I drew it myself so it's not too fancy. I've wanted to draw comics since I was a 6-year-old, and as you can see I still draw like one too.
Also, I'm trying to make the union get more active by making union user profiles. This means that users can get "profiles" similar to GameSpot's added in a specific topic, and when they're active and buy Rockstar games and win contests they get "emblems" added to their profiles.
Most of the emblems are just like GameSpot's because I started making them with the GameSpot emblem layout at first, but after I wanted to make better looking ones I had to make my own emblem mask. Although I used the same shape and similar light-shadow effects, I still made it myself, I just don't know if anybody believes that after seeing the result. But why change it if it works, right? And GameSpot theme WAS what I was after anyway.
I made myself a new calender covers using images from Shaun of the Dead, one of the greatest movies ever made.
It was originally Einstein-themed when I bought it, but I like this look better.
(click image to see a bigger version)
...but have to go to school anyway. Last week I stayed home on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and one class on Thursday, and I can't skip any more classes. After being absent during 4 classes (no matter what reason) they make you write a long text on some boring subject, and after 5th they kick you out of the course, and I really can't risk finishing high school in 3 years. It's a possibility to finish it in 4-5 years too, but I really don't want to stay there any longer than I have to.
During the time I was at home I didn't do anything remarkable, but last Friday I started filming walkthrough videos of Red Dead Revolver and uploading them on YouTube. I've already beaten Prof. Perry and in every single level up till now I've gotten an Excellent rating, but I haven't uploaded all the videos yet.
I also finally found an ORIGINAL version of the "Old West Project" video that might be RDR 2. I'm going to upload it to GameSpot soon, and post it to my Real Rockstar Games union for everyone to see.
I watched Hot Fuzz LAST weekend (I think) and I have to say, it's one of the best movies I've seen. I loved Shaun of the Dead, and now that I loved Hot Fuzz too, I decided to get Simon Pegg's tv-series called Spaced on DVD. I've already watched the first season, and it's great. Not as "wacky" funny as I would've wanted, but entertaining anyway.
On Saturday there was 2 westerns on TV, and I taped both. It was a bit hectic because they were on at the same time, so I had to tape one in the living room and the other in my bed room with my old, broken VCR (it eats the tapes sometimes).
One movie was an old, American made western called The Furies, which I didn't watch because I wanted to watch the other one, Django, that started a bit earlier. Django is an italo-western (or spaghetti-western), starring Franco Nero, directed by Sergio Corbucci. I've already seen Django, and actually I have it on DVD, but it's a pirate version and dubbed in French (god I hate the French), so I really needed to get the one with voice overs in English. It has Finnish subtitles too.
There was also a documentary on Italian westerns that came just before Django, and I would've taped it too if I had known it was coming, but I think I wouldn't have had enough video cassettes anyway. It was kind of annoying that the documentary came first, because the impossible happened that both my mom and my sister watched the documentary and Django, and the documentary (which had inaccurate info, btw) showed the best parts of the movie (the inside of the coffin and the ending cemetery scene for example), thus ruining a bit of the first time experience from my family. So that made me a bit angry.
Also, like at least 2 people on GS knows already (both of witch I personally don't know) I was suspended for 3 days and I hope GameSpot finally learned it's lesson. Everytime I checked if anybody missed me (btw, nobody did, you bastards!) I noticed: GS was absolutely and utterly boring during my absence. All I got in my mailbox was useless junk and spam, my favourite unions were dead silent or intellectually brain-damaged and my favourite game-specific boards were inactive. In the whole 3 days I only used my GameFaqs account to post a total of 3 messages.
So next time, GameSpot, you better think twice whether you want to lose the light in your nightmare.
I also changed my banner and avatar for the 3 days to message you that I was going to be away for awhile. Did you notice? Did you guess what was the reason I was away? NO? You didn't even care? Typical.
But anyway, be blogging on!
Been sick for a few days now, I think I had a sore throat last Saturday, and now it's worse.
I did go to school in the morning, because I thought we were supposed to return our job interview assignments. I saw so much trouble doing it on my free time last Wednesday (we had Thursday free to do it but it didn't work out) so no way would I just forget about it. Well, we had a guest from Italy talking about something that I didn't pay attention to, and so now the assignments are supposed to be returned tomorrow instead. I'm not going to school tomorrow unless I miraculously get better over night.
I played Punisher today. I haven't yet posted anything about my new games I bought last Friday after I came back from the army check-up, so here's a quick overwiev:
Deep Water. Some really low-budget game about a world after some nuclear catastrophe (or something like that) now filled with only water, floating cities, ship-owners and sea-bandits. Sounds like Water world with Kevin Costner, huh? It actually is somewhat similar, but instead the main goal is to hunt sea monsters, like the kraken, sea serpent or even ghost ships. Quite fun in a boring way, sometimes really annoying.
LOTR: The Two Towers. You must have heard about this. A beat 'em up game based on the two first Lord of the Rings movies, starring Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. After reading a lot of reviews about it, I thought it would be good. Instead it's only fun for a while. Sometimes I don't know what I should be doing exactly, the movie cut-scenes (which seamlessly flow into game cut-scenes and then to gameplay) that you can't always skip are just annoying, and I feel no reason to actually keep going with the "story".
The areas areas are hard to distinguish from each other and the camera is awful in most places. The controls are clunky and it took me a long while to learn how to kill orcs while defending too, and the thin sugar-coat that tastes good isn't worth the trouble. The game doesn't seem to know whether it's for the people who have seen the movies or not, with pointless, short cut-scenes "explaining" things quickly before a battle. It feels like something they give you at the movie theater for 99 cents after you've watched the movie.
I enjoyed the adventure gameplay in Fellowship of the Ring more.
The Punisher. Based on the Marvel comics about a man named Frank Castle, who becomes the Punisher, a vigilante who punishes criminals. It's a fun game, quite gory. I enjoy the comicbook look and feel, the athmosphere is just cool and the voice acting sounds great, though I would've liked more different background music,. The one and the same tune starts to piss me off. Gameplay is a bit of clunky, feels like a mixture of Red Dead and Manhunt, but like a stripped down version. It resembles Manhunt in other ways too, like I said the game is gory. Manhunt had more stylished wounds and blood splatters, but basicly it's same. You can also do special interrogations and executions in Manhunt fashion, like throw a guy in a tank of piranhas or let a rhino impale a criminal. Also the quick executions done in close quarters don't go far from Manhunt's executions.
All in all, I've enjoyed the game up to this point, and I hope I'll enjoy it all the way through till the end.
I also got a new mobilephone. My old one, Nokia 3310 has an old battery that can't last a 1 minute phone call, so my mum bought me a new one so she can reach me 24/7. My new phone is Nokia 1112. It's a bit smaller than 3310, not nearly as heavy, and has some cool tunes and other stuff.
That's it for today.
I'll try to finish the Konami Union's game list, though I don't think it's going to be posted tonight. Maybe tomorrow...
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