Reviews are opinions, the opinion of the reviewer. If you score it higher then obviously that's your opinion that it's better. If 99% of people gave the game a 10/10, then that final 1% gave it whatever score because they didn't think the game was as good as a 10. Personally I think a 10 is impossible because there's always more that can be done, and again, there are the varying preferences with different people who want different aspects of the game. Something that might bump the score to a 10 might with another person be very bad for the game in their opinion and then they would knock the score down to an 8.
Furthermore, last I checked Gamespot's reviews are based on what the Gamespot representative (the reviewer) thought about the game, not what the average score of other gamers reviews are. Hence why there are 4 review numbers for every game. Gamespot's, Metacritic, your rating (which only you see, I'd expect) and user's rating. Therefore, why would there be a reason for Gamespot to base their review on others when there's already a number to represent that?
It is unfortunate that people can't seem to have opinions on the internet. Well, at least those that have an opinion that differ from everybody else's (aka, the sheep).
"Microsoft adds that "offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you reestablish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies.""
So, if the internet conks out for a moment you are fine, but if the net goes out for a week then you're still screwed.
"Such a system would explain Microsoft's position that the Xbox One must "check in" with its servers once every 24 hours." - What if you're on holiday and don't turn the xbox on everyday, or just not do it? What will happen then, the xbox refuse access or what?
"The site also suggests, based on information from a senior employee at "one of the UK's largest video game retailers," that the rumored Xbox One preowned activation fee will be £35 ($52). It is unclear if this fee will be an additional cost on top of the sticker price for secondhand games." - So, you may as well buy the damn game brand new.
So these big games that people will love to play for years still such as Skyrim and Minecraft, they can't? That's stupid. 5% of gamers, my arse. 5% of the people you asked.
I agree with all that, Kevin. I felt the same way when I watched the live stream. I was hoping for some epic machine that will be able to run all kinds of new games but it was nearly half an hour into the reveal before they started and it was all sports. All the other features they showed were linked to sports. From what I could see was that many of the agreements they had with the tv companies, they were all American so will they be different for Europe or will we just not have them? If the latter then we will seem to miss 50% of the features. :P Unfortunately, I wasn't surprised by any of the moves they made. The 360 has slowly been moving towards being a multi-entertainment system itself, this just improves that feature.
The second hand games issue is a pain in the ass. Apparently, each disk is linked to a profile and a fee must be paid to link it to another profile. However, I got that once the game is installed (and it has to be) you can play it without the disk so second hand games are now ruined and those that can't afford new games will have to wait over a year to get the games at a decent price, if the companies even allow the reduction in price.
I think they have forgotten what the primary reason for the xbox's existence is. Xbox original (damn, can't call it one now. What a crap name. Maybe xbox Dragonfire, or something cool) was a games console, 360 a games console. One, well it can play games but look at all the other stuff you can do with the xbox which you probably already have contracts with other companies to do! If I wanted piece of hardware that does all that, I probably would get a PC. They will have to do some serious games inpressing to convince me that it might be a good buy in the next few years. I may even have to convert to PS4 and hell knows what that'll do to my collection.
Oh, and they didn't mention what would happen to your old GS or whether it would be able to play 360 games. If it has to install to hard-disk and require a code, does that mean that 360 games are out the window or will they be (hopefully) an exception?
Joutja's comments