[QUOTE="JustJaymo"][QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]Yeah, most of them are probably from people from these forums or something.
I don't know why they decide to send them though.
Yeah, you're probably right. If that is the case, then why can't they just add a voice message or some text just letting me know who they are?:?
The mind boggles...
its probbly because you have youre Xbox live gamertag in youre sig. hell even i feel the temptation to send you a friend request! and thats how it is. if somone sees it they will probbly send you a friend request.
I completely appreciate that it could well be someone off this or another forum, it would just be nice if along with the request there was a text saying "Hi saw you on Gamespot/wherever....." etc:D...Also, I only just added my Gamertag into my sig for the purposes of this thread, I used to have this one:

I removed it so people didn't reply saying "he's a Nintendo fanboy, don't listen to him, this never happens to me blah, blah, blah"...Overly paranoid? Probably. But I've seen certain threads on here decend into farce over lesser things:P.
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