Yes I've heard of Skype, no I don't have it and neither do most of my friends - they do however have a 360 and a Wii. Once again someone says it's too complicated...WHAT IS SO COMPLICATED ABOUT IT? These are the simple steps that need to be followed... 1. Arrange game with friend 2. Set up voice chat on 360 3. Change TV input to whatever connection the Wii is plugged into 4. Start game of Mario Strikers and chat whilst playing. Anyone finding any difficulty following those steps needs to go back to school.Using 360 for Wii chat bad idea, too complicate, have you heard of Skype is free and it does the same thing.
I believe the Wii will eventually get a headset, the DS has one and it is a handheld.
JustJaymo's forum posts
and this what we call a 360 fanboy. how about u put the 360 down for a while.....
itll be much smarter just to wait for a headset
Erm, WTF are you talking about? How does this make me a 360 fanboyin any way? I'm most intrigued. FYI I haven't used my 360 in ages. All I'm doing is suggesting an option for Wii/360 owners for voice chat in an online Wii game. Why is it "much smarter" to wait for a headset? Why not just use this method in the interim?
The XBox 360 voice chat is poor quality. If you were going to go through all this trouble, why not rent a vent server for $6 a month and use your computer?
I've had very few voice chat problems on Liveand as for "If you were going to go through all this trouble...."?.....What trouble? How is doing what I've suggested a major problem?
I really do hate it when people pick up on little things in people's posts that annoy them, then point them out whilst at the same time contributing nothing relevant to the topic.
But, meh......That's life.
Ok, I know not everybody owns a 360, that's why I said "for those of us lucky enough to own an Xbox 360", as for it not being practical, well it's hardly a big deal....Connect to Live, set up a private chat with your friend, turn on Wii, switch input on TV, start game, chat. Seems simple enough to me.
Well, I'm assuming that it'll have no voice chat as no headset has been promised so far (unless Nintendo surprise us all by bundling one with the game....Yeah, right)..Anyway, I'm sure someone else has already thought of this anyway and I apologise if I'm just stating the obvious, but anyway........For those of us lucky enough to own Xbox 360's, if we were playing Mario Strikers 1v1 we could just set up a private chat on Xbox Live, switch input on the TV to the Wii and play Mario Strikers with chat enabled.
Yes?/No?/You were going to do this anyway?
[QUOTE="reddemon502].... Kojima said he needs 50 gb...
That's right.
If he didn't have the 50gb, where would all the cut scenes go? :P
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