@Monsterkillah If PC made a console it wouldn't be what it is, a fully programmable and upgradable system that evolves as you see fit, it would be in the same boat trying to play console catchup...
@wexorian right outright, the latest droid or iphone will set you back more than PS3 at launch 600+ dollars... and its obsolete when ya take it out of the box... lol, PC woo hooo you got an investment... and maybe ya can't start out with the starship enterprise mainframe but you can incrementally upgrade at what ever pace your personal economics allow...
@Pyrosa Actually if you added up all the past now incompatible peripherals and stuff you've bought over the years if you've gamed awhile, you'd probably have a pretty decent start on a PC... not to mention every peripheral device you've ever bought minus a parallel device is still relevant on the system you build today...
@sladakrobot @JustWingin_IT LOL didn't your read your comment you said and I quote " lol maybe...but you for sure arent a true gamer." Those are your words.... so you are saying now that no true gamer would say others are no true gamers. LOL wow now your logic really seems like fuzzy math
@sladakrobot @JustWingin_IT @canelacandy he's saying true gamers use PC not that the criteria to define a true gamer requires a PC...you are casting a blanket statement saying he's not a true gamer... based on what?
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