@gufberg @MAGIC-KINECT @Veraxious Tribes Ascend, Half-Life 2 used to be for a long time, consoles had to catch up... Far Cry the original, Crysis don't kid yourself the console versions are a joke...
@iagbas They are making a top secret steam powered PC with a Tesla turbine, and it heats your house, and makes electricity instead of consumes it... I can't wait... don't tell anyone
@Vaishakhk @PSFanboy-_- How many years ago did Half-Liife 2 get released before consoles got its watered down port in 720p... Ahhh the days go by don't they...
@PSFanboy-_- @4love10 PC is less throwing away than a console... that 1700 dollars will buy a pretty nice rig that will play games better and be more powerful than these new consoles by the time this "new" gen of consoles dies for the "next" gen... and more than likely will still be more powerful than that next Gen of PS5 and Xbox Deux
JustWingin_IT's comments