@bignick217 I'm happy AMD got the bid for consoles only for the fact that if AMD does better getting funded by console adopters, that will mean better CPU's for the PC! Which I already find preferable to the competior's
@LivingGames @kingcrimson24 yeh they run sales at different times of the year... its not just whenever you show up... like a sale at the grocery store...
@kingcrimson24 How about Steam sharing? Yeh now we're talking wanna borrow my library homie... sure cool here ya go make sure ya bring it back har har...
@MigzBR @pharoe777 Like I was saying kinda indirectly not worrying about things like settings sets the stage for an ignorant gaming community...like not caring whats in the food you eat essentially... anyone seen the movie Idiocracy...?
@GONtheSKYLORD @MigzBR absolutely120 is waaaaayyyy smoother than 60 no doubt I don't care what "they" say I can see... I can see what I see.... and others who've also seen
JustWingin_IT's comments