I agree, I believe GW2 will have alot larger community, based on the fact that there is no monthly fee. I don't know alot about Tera, but from what I know right now I would definitely say GW2 is worth it.Combat wise TERA owns guildwars 2 imo. I did feel the story in both games were lackluster and didn't care either way. However i do think GW2 will have a bigger community because there is no monthly fee.
KABCOOL's forum posts
Wow this actually looks really good. Never thought anything of it until now, but i'll definately be taking a look at this.
Yea Elsweyr is pretty cool.Lol pretty lame complaint with the 100,000 mods available on the workshop and nexus. I just added Elsweyr to my game
Guild wars 2 for me. Have been waiting since I heard about it and still so excited!!
Get the mod Optifine it increases FPS and also allows 64x64 texture packs as well as conected textures.
Oh my god are you kidding me. How can a digital editon be sold out??? Will they come back in stock?? I don't have any money at the moment, so I had to wait until my paycheck!!! This just ruined my life!!
GTX 580 for 350$ after rebate http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814162092achilles614I live in Canada, so I can't order from newegg. Really sucks cause they got some good deals.
I just have it set to the factory overclock and I can run BF3 fine at high, but it gets kinda choppy at ultra. I really like my 460, but I think it would be nice to be able to max all the games I have, especially Skyrim. I have a bunch of mods installed that make it look amazing, but it gets really choppy sometimes and can't stand it, so I thought it would be nice to go a step up to a 560 or something similar. But I mine as well wait for the 660, because I have heard a few people say it's being released soon. I would buy a 680, but it's kinda pricey, so I'd rather stick to a mid range card.[QUOTE="KABCOOL"][QUOTE="neogeo419"]Ive seen no reason to upgrade my SSC+ 460...But im guessing your a BF3 fan..Mine runs it ok on high(not ultra:( ) @ 1080p...What speed are you running that 460 at?...Mine runs neck and neck with a 560ti 384 vanilla @910mhz..Im guessing that MSI can come close to that...Guess it just depends if you are ok with just a few games running on high instead of ultra.
How much are you looking to spend?
Around 250-300$Ive seen no reason to upgrade my SSC+ 460...But im guessing your a BF3 fan..Mine runs it ok on high(not ultra:( ) @ 1080p...What speed are you running that 460 at?...Mine runs neck and neck with a 560ti 384 vanilla @910mhz..Im guessing that MSI can come close to that...Guess it just depends if you are ok with just a few games running on high instead of ultra. I just have it set to the factory overclock and I can run BF3 fine at high, but it gets kinda choppy at ultra. I really like my 460, but I think it would be nice to be able to max all the games I have, especially Skyrim. I have a bunch of mods installed that make it look amazing, but it gets really choppy sometimes and can't stand it, so I thought it would be nice to go a step up to a 560 or something similar. But I mine as well wait for the 660, because I have heard a few people say it's being released soon. I would buy a 680, but it's kinda pricey, so I'd rather stick to a mid range card.[QUOTE="KABCOOL"]
I have a 460 right now, so if I upgrade to a 560 I won't see much of a performance increase? I'll just wait for a 660 or maybe 670.
I have a 460 right now, so if I upgrade to a 560 I won't see much of a performance increase? I'll just wait for a 660 or maybe 670.
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