Got a quick queston to ask. What is the difference between a GTX 560 and GTX 560 Ti ?
KABCOOL's forum posts
Pretty much agree on almost all points, Daniel. The show was different and fresh at the start but definitely some glaring flaws. Season 1 was good. Season 2 made me mad as you said because it was kid hunt-a-thon. IxX3xil3d0n3XxII agree as well season 1 was awesome, but season 2 was boring. Hopefully now that their out of the farm it might get a little more exciting.
[QUOTE="KABCOOL"][QUOTE="trastamad03"]I'm gonna go with GW2... was never interested in Tera.trastamad03I was just like you at one point, but I gave tera a look and it actually looked really cool. The graphics look outstanding. Graphics have stopped being a selling point for me. Just the "universe" of Tera doesn't interest me... I would usually say that as well, but in the genre of MMORPG's usually the graphics look like crap. I'll still probably wait until GW2 though.
Counterstrike Source is what you are looking for. It is the latest counterstrike available. Some games I recommend are TF2, Tribes Ascend, Skyrim, Witcher 2, and definately Diablo 3 when it comes out on May 15.
I'm gonna go with GW2... was never interested in Tera.trastamad03I was just like you at one point, but I gave tera a look and it actually looked really cool. The graphics look outstanding.
C'mon guys I need some clash mob buddies!!
Hey everyone i'm looking for people to be in my clash mob so I can get the bonuses. So please add me and also post your gamecenter account so other people can add you!!
Gamecenter: KAB11
That is exactly what I am thinking. Diablo 3 + GW2 for me.Tera's graphics and combat are better than anything I have tried in fantasy mmorpgs. In regards to GW2 well I am considering playing it along with Diablo 3 to get my fix on these fantasy type games and may cancel my preorder for Tera. The worst thing about Tera is it sticks with the old pay per month to play format and I am not sure I want to do that for too long when playing 2 other games that require no fees may be enough to fill the void.
Yea I would recommend Fallout 3 it is an awesome game and probably one of my favourites.Metro 2033 and fallout 3.
There is mod called stalker lost alpha coming out this
Just got one Thanks!!
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