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No planes = No SKYDIVING



base jumping off the empire state building?


That's what I was gunna say.


If there is no planes, then base jumping should be awesome too. I wanna base jump onto a bus, then blow up that bus. 

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It would be awesome if the buildings were destructible. Would be amazing. :)wapahala


That's a terrible idea...


it's in new york... 

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People, companies, and governments have been totally rejecting Vista because the damn thing doesn't offer ANYTHING that Windows XP can't do. So, in an effort to steal money from everyone, Microsoft is flexing it's monopoly muscles to force them to adopt this pointless os. Alot of them are pushing back and going for various Linux distributions. Go Linux! :)OceanLeet
:roll: YUP, that's it. It's just another alternative that their customers can buy and upgrade to if they wish. It's not mandatory buddy, they aren't forcing you to do anything. My home PC's will be upgraded to vista soon But my dad's business is going to stick to XP because it works well with their accounting programs etc. It's just about personal preference. Not some diabolical plot. get over it. p.s. linux is terrible hahaha
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My bro is an exec for a big consumer electronics company and he says VIsta has been a huge flop sales wise. Its not pushing hardware like they hoped it might. People just don't see enough value to warrant upgrading their hardware and adjusting to a new OS. I was using Windows 98 up until last year anyway. If all you do is word processing, spreadsheets, internet, and store pictures, music, on your PC you really don't need anything more than that.JiveT
hahahaha, the classic, "My uncle works for sony!" " my mom owns best buy!" Well unless your brother is head of business and sales at a best buy or circuit city head office, then it really doesn't matter what he thinks. Vista is selling well, but it isn't "flying off shelves" because most new computers are stocked with vista. and people are still fine with xp. OS's are supposed to last quite a while. People will upgrade when they want to, that's the beauty of it.
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And What About Windows XP Service Pack 3?

while I'm ranting a bit, let's dredge up Windows XP Service Pack 3,
which was delayed from 2005 to 2006 to 2007 and now to 2008. If you
were looking for any glimpse into the mind of Microsoft, this is it:
The company has completely abandoned Windows XP, and it has absolutely
no plans to ever ship an XP SP3. My guess is that Microsoft will do
what it did with the final Windows 2000 Service Pack: Claim years later
that it's no longer needed and just ship a final security patch
roll-up. This is the worst kiss-off to any Microsoft product I've ever
seen, and you'd think the company would show a little more respect to
its best-selling OS of all time. But the reality is, Microsoft is
looking ahead to new revenue and not behind to money that's already in
the bank. And though hundreds of millions of people will be running XP
for years to come, despite Microsoft's best efforts at selling them a
later Windows version, the company has absolutely no plans to actually
support those customers. This flies in the face of its publicly-stated
life cycle support plans. And it really freaks me out. It should freak
you out as well.


Looks like we'll be following Microsoft down the Vista path sooner than we all planned.

Soooo, you're basing this off of someones speculation? Gotchya. And MS wont abandon a VAST majority of their XP os users. they are just focusing on vista, which is what they should do. People will switch to visit when they are ready, but I'm fine with XP on my 3 PC's right now. I'm sure I'll upgrade soon though. My 4th pc is coming with vista, however.
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[QUOTE="Mikerules868"]wow i wish the game cases really looked like that.hongkingkong
Yeah its the limited edition i think.

no, the first copies of the game came in that case. it sucked. then they came out with the regular, case. I bought the game and played it for 3 days and sold it.
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wow i wish the game cases really looked like that.Mikerules868
my copy looked liked that...
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first off they can't keep the x360 cool the 360 has a a heatsink from a radeon x300 on it and its suposed to match a x1900 say x360 fans, and it makes more noise than a highend pc yet it has under half the power. with all the overheating problems x360s have it obvious the cooling system is useless

2 they don't know what plugs to put on it first they put the 20 year old vga plug over dvi which offers superior image quality

3 they release a new 360 with hdmi 1.2 rather than 1.3

this radeon x300 has a heatsink much the same as x360's the x1300 has a much bigger heatsink and its less powerfull and produces less heat than x360

radeon x300

radeon x1300


I hope you know the hdmi 1.2 and 1.3 have little difference.

And they can upgrade it through an update. good try on trying to make your self look like you know what you're talking about though.

You must be right though, I major MAJOR corporation that has been dealing with computers for years doesn't know anything about hardware, opposed to you. Man, only if MS had you by their side to help them along!!!!


And i hope you know you cant upgrade it through an update..

would you like me to find the article? they said they can upgrade the new features via firmwire update.
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first off they can't keep the x360 cool the 360 has a a heatsink from a radeon x300 on it and its suposed to match a x1900 say x360 fans, and it makes more noise than a highend pc yet it has under half the power. with all the overheating problems x360s have it obvious the cooling system is useless

2 they don't know what plugs to put on it first they put the 20 year old vga plug over dvi which offers superior image quality

3 they release a new 360 with hdmi 1.2 rather than 1.3

this radeon x300 has a heatsink much the same as x360's the x1300 has a much bigger heatsink and its less powerfull and produces less heat than x360

radeon x300

radeon x1300

I hope you know the hdmi 1.2 and 1.3 have little difference. And they can upgrade it through an update. good try on trying to make your self look like you know what you're talking about though. You must be right though, I major MAJOR corporation that has been dealing with computers for years doesn't know anything about hardware, opposed to you. Man, only if MS had you by their side to help them along!!!! :roll:

m$ has only been dealing with software not hardware, who makes the hardware windows runs on? intel, amd, nvida, ati, dell, hp etc, NOT microsoft. look what happened last gen when m$ didn't buy the designs, xbox worked and didn't have the problems.

trust me, I know MS doesn't make hardware. But they still have to work with it, they can't just make software with out knowing how it will run on the hard ware, and visa versa.
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im a hermit and a lemming and i love playing my 360 and PC. My pc is great and it didn't cost much at all. I have my case, bought a new motherboard a while back, but I keep upgrading it at my own leisure. Upgraded ram, graphics card, and bigger fan. Still have a nice big lcd monitor, which i sometimes hook it up to my LCD tv which my 360 is plugged into. It can get a little pricey, but I keep upgrading it because I want to, I really dont need to, but I love buying new things for it, like duel 120 gig hard drives, (SOOOOOOOOOO un-nessicary hahaha) but I do so much more on my pc than just play games. I photoshop, make movies, make games, play games, internet, music, movies. etc. your pc is really one of your best investments.