I went into both stores on the same day and asked the same general question: "What's going on with Sony's PS3 these days?"
I just wanted to see what their responses would be.
EB Games chick said: "Absolutely nothing. Sony is contemplating discontinuing the PS3 due to lack of sales."
I said, "What??!" (No way. I don't beleive that.)
Game Stop dude said: "It's garbage! Because it's not being supported, and the Xbox is blowing it out of the water. And the graphics are better."
I said, "Huh??!"
So, I'm just reporting the news, so there is no need to get upset with me, or anything like that.
I've heard that this kind of thing was going on, but I guess I saw and heard it for myself today.
And? People have their own opinions, I know the whole staff by the gamestop by my school, none of them are crazy about PS3.
When I worked at best buy people asked me about the PS3 and I told them the actual facts, and then gave them my opinion.
I convinced a mother she shouldn't spend 600 dollars on her two 7 and 9 year old kids and stick with a wii or 360.
It's pretty easy to bring up bad news about the PS3. this isn't anything new buddy.
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