first off they can't keep the x360 cool the 360 has a a heatsink from a radeon x300 on it and its suposed to match a x1900 say x360 fans, and it makes more noise than a highend pc yet it has under half the power. with all the overheating problems x360s have it obvious the cooling system is useless
2 they don't know what plugs to put on it first they put the 20 year old vga plug over dvi which offers superior image quality
3 they release a new 360 with hdmi 1.2 rather than 1.3
this radeon x300 has a heatsink much the same as x360's the x1300 has a much bigger heatsink and its less powerfull and produces less heat than x360
radeon x300
radeon x1300
I hope you know the hdmi 1.2 and 1.3 have little difference. And they can upgrade it through an update. good try on trying to make your self look like you know what you're talking about though. You must be right though, I major MAJOR corporation that has been dealing with computers for years doesn't know anything about hardware, opposed to you. Man, only if MS had you by their side to help them along!!!! :roll:
Sure, it's because of the Playstation 3s hardware. Not Ubisoft's quality abilities to port games for the integrity of creating great games on all platforms. Haven't you seen Far Cry on the Wii?
Freakin' quality.
Who cares about this game, or SC in general?Endfinal
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