[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"][QUOTE="killzowned24"] I suggest you watch the US debate because that came up, and Kerry agreed that Assad will do just that because that is not the purpose of the action,it's only to downgrade his ability.killzowned24Yea exactly...symbolic strike. Assad has had 2+ weeks to prepare for these strikes too. He's moved everything around. Like this? It boggles the mind we have posters like you defending that scum. ''Syrian regime moves prisoners to likely targets of western military strikes'' http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/middle-east/syrian-regime-moves-prisoners-to-likely-targets-of-western-military-strikesDefending him? No not at all. Announcing a strike 2+ weeks before it happens is extremely stupid and won't be successful. It's symbolic at best.
KC_Hokie's forum posts
Think France is still on board. They released some agitprop about evidence of Assad being behind the attacks earlier.MrPralineLess than 50-50 chance the French parliament goes along with the strike.
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]No, it's because this strike is purely symbolic and idiotic. It will be used as propaganda by Assad if the strikes are weak. If they are heavier it will help Al-Qaeda. I suggest you watch the US debate because that came up, and Kerry agreed that Assad will do just that because that is not the purpose of the action,it's only to downgrade his ability.Yea exactly...symbolic strike. Assad has had 2+ weeks to prepare for these strikes too. He's moved everything around.[QUOTE="killzowned24"] yes, it shows the grow more pansies by the decade. they do after all shoot bb guns as sport.killzowned24
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"][QUOTE="killzowned24"] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/10278355/Syria-crisis-Britain-will-play-active-role-in-military-action-despite-vote-defeat.htmlkillzowned24Really neat but they are unwilling to strike with us. Again, major alarm bells should be going off. yes, it shows the grow more pansies by the decade. they do after all shoot bb guns as sport. No, it's because this strike is purely symbolic and idiotic. It will be used as propaganda by Assad if the strikes are weak. If they are heavier it will help Al-Qaeda.
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]Just read what McCain added at the last minute. This will never pass in the House.HemmaroidsAbout arming rebels something he wanted to do a long time ago when AQ wasn't such a strong influence? The arming is strategically important. Just bombing using cruise missles won't really put up a fight against Assad in the long term as arming the rebels. Though I am iffy on the rebels now (compared to 30 months ago) I do support arming them to achieve a strategic task.It's more than that. What McCain added topples the Assad regime. And it will never pass the House.
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]Most FSA are just militia protecting their neighborhood or town. They aren't offensive, ruthless, experienced fighters like the Islamists.[QUOTE="Person0"] The FSA is about even power and number wise with the Islamists.Person0
And Islamists never share. There will be a war after this one if Assad falls and the FSA is in deep shit.
Well many of the defecting soldiers joined the FSA.Yea they went home to protect their homes. If you look at the major offensive victories for the rebels they were all lead by the Islamists.
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