KC_Hokie's forum posts
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]They've already voted no. They aren't with us.[QUOTE="killzowned24"] The brits are just being pansies. They still agree that Assad did it.killzowned24
You know something is a really bad idea if the UK isn't even with us.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/graphic/2013/sep/03/syria-chemical-weapons-dossiers-compared Like I said ,they agree he did it. ''Now the British say that in their judgment, the Syrian government used lethal C.W. on 14 occasions from 2012, adding that this judgment was made with the highest possible level of certainty following an exhaustive review. They added, A clear pattern of regime use has therefore been established. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/04/world/middleeast/allies-intelligence-on-syria-all-points-to-assad-forces.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 They voted against taking military action. The UK isn't even with us. That should set off major alarm bells in Washington.[QUOTE="Born_Lucky"]hah yeah. Barry Obama supporting the Al Qaeda. With CIA trained rebels. It's Osama Bin Laden in the 80s all over again. What a puppet show. Obama = vigilante in chiefObama isn't in al Qaeda, but he is al Qaeda's best freind.
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"][QUOTE="Person0"] Its not just Islamists fighting.Person0They are the most powerful and aggressive fighters. And they don't like sharing with secularists. The FSA is about even power and number wise with the Islamists.Most FSA are just militia protecting their neighborhood or town. They aren't offensive, ruthless, experienced fighters like the Islamists.
And Islamists never share. There will be a war after this one if Assad falls and the FSA is in deep shit.
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]Yea great idea...let's tip a stalemate in favor of al-qaeda groups and give them the opportunity to capture chemical weapons.[QUOTE="Person0"] Every little bit matters in a stalemate. Person0
This idea is just so colossally stupid.
Its not just Islamists fighting.They are the most powerful and aggressive fighters. And they don't like sharing with secularists.[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"][QUOTE="Person0"] Not just to him to others too. Then we would hit him again and harder. Assad doesn't seem suicidal, because if the rebels win he's gonna end up like Gaddafi, having the US bomb him doesn't help him to win.Person0Obama's limited strike isn't going to hurt Assad much at all. He will declare victory and probably use chemical weapons a few days later. Every little bit matters in a stalemate. Yea great idea...let's tip a stalemate in favor of al-qaeda groups and give them the opportunity to capture chemical weapons.
This idea is just so colossally stupid.
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"][QUOTE="Person0"] And they can use SAMs back.Person0No. Israel does it all the time. Uses missiles against targets without flying over their airspace. Those missiles only have a certain range. Yea...and the Arab League and Turkey have the same missiles and same planes. They could do this strike.
Instead no one is with us.
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