@eddie_220: Yeah let's not promote heterosexuality anymore! Ban all displays of affection for anyone in a game that's rated E/PEGI3! If that man kisses that women in that game for everyone, it will be banned!!!
@jomi101: so what about Vin Diesel? Is he a pussy? He'd destroy you if you said that to his face. The man is the image of manly perfection. But you're likely just a 15 year old using the cowardly veil of internet anonymity to rile people up, so I'll say no more.
@Deano: To spread a worldwide message of love and inclusion. But that's not important right? Let's just continue killing people for how they personally choose to consensually love people behind closed doors.
@drizzygadget: Kids discover their sexuality on their own, you know. I don't think a shirt in a game is going to be the slippery slope to sodomy you think it is. If someone is gay, they're going to be gay. That's not going to change. It's only when you repress it with religion and shame that they change their ways. And that usually ends badly for them.
@noirtenshin: "online interactions are not rated by the ESRB." And also, parents should be aware of letting their kids access the internet anyways. This issue stems from online content after all. That being said, Russia needs to get with the modern era.
@dxBIGBOSSxb: I actually thought MGSV's story was fantastic, but it doesn't end well. Everything that lead up to it was great and had me hooked. Too bad Kojima didn't get to finish it... but best in the series is a stretch for sure.
@flashn00b: PC games, in relation to their console counterpart, sell as well as the Wii U sells in relation to the PS4. Terribly. When this game makes its money back, then maybe SE will think about taking on yet another FFXV project.
@bonzaibillie_99: I don't see why everyone is so up in arms about them being a "boy band". Have you not read up on their relationship with each other? Would one woman really make THAT much of a difference? For what it's worth, you do get female guest characters throughout the game.
KahnArtizt's comments