@Smosh150: There is no game in existence that has a 72 hour boss fight, not even WOW raid go for that long, so I don't know why you would NOT assume its hyperbolic. That's like saying, "this car goes 500 mph!" and taking it seriously. I'm not trying to be a dick, but come on...
@Smosh150: you do realize that he's being hyperbolic right? The main story probably isn't even that long. Conan sucks at games, hence why he's the clueless gamer so of course he's gonna be confused by a game designed for a hardcore audience. He doesn't follow the games industry at all, he plays them for what they are. Some people just don't "get" FF. I tried to get a friend to play FF10 when it got remastered and he thought it was trash.
@maltnut: It helps to realize that this was originally supposed to be a FF spinoff game and it's made by the team who made Kingdom Hearts so yeah, that's why it plays like it. They just rebranded it as FFXV so people wouldn't associate it with FF13 (for obvious reasons).
@CallMeDuraSouka: the new main seems a lot better than Aiden. And I didn't mind the main from FC3. He's only bad if being a "bro" automatically makes you a douche... which it doesn't.
@jvss27: good lord it's like we played completely different games. You can come up with all these cynical complaints all you want but I still enjoyed it more than most games of the past few years. And to say the movement controls in the witcher are better than uncharted is completely false. Even the alternate movement controls aren't that great when it comes to trying to position yourself in front of loot or a person to interact with. The climbing/jumping is total trash and is buggy as all hell. I struggle with it while uncharted works flawlessly. I'll give you that uncharted plays out in a set fashion but that's only a bad thing if you're expecting otherwise. I know what I'm getting with uncharted and it executes it flawlessly. Also, the AI of old uncharted games were crap but 4 is vastly improved and on par with most shooters nowadays. And you can think I'm not a "gamer" but my 6000 trophies and 30 platinum trophies say otherwise (and no it's not all Hannah montana "easy" trophies). I play all consoles and enjoy games for what they are, not my preconceived notions of what a game should be. If I'm playing it and having a blast, it's a great game plain and simple. I don't give a shit what reviewers or anyone else for that matter say. I just had to respond to your delusional conception of uncharted because it my favorite non-RPG series of all time.
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