@tingtong: 3rd party support used to be a lot stronger back in the 90s. 3rd party JRPGs were some of the best games on NES/SNES hands down. FF2/3, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Dragon Quest, etc. They are also the games that core players are most likely to return to because they have aged better than most platformers.
@toonami4life: you sound miserable and lack critical thinking skills. It’s not worth my time to even begin to point out all the things wrong with your post but I will say that forcing you to play as Abby is the narrative equivalent of making a Democrat sympathize with a Republican or vice versa, so I can totally understand why you couldn’t handle that. I, however, am a fair minded person and see the good and bad of “both sides” with little bias. I doubt you are as non-partisan as I am, politics or otherwise. Enjoy hating everything. Maybe try seeing things from other peoples’ perspective? That was the point of the game after all. I guess you missed that part. Or more likely just watched some chud play it on YouTube like a peasant.
@reaperezekial: it sold 4 million in the first weekend when the leaks had been making the rounds for over a month. People “knew it was bad” and it still sold another 9 mil after that. (It has sold >13M to date). Yeah terrible game... People were pissed when MGS2 came out and now look at it: a universally regarded classic for the ages. Give it time. The whiners who just watched a YouTube summary that intentionally and dishonestly painted the game in a certain light will quit crying eventually. (Remember when the leak said Abby was trans and killed Joel and Ellie halfway through the game? I do. Completely false.)
@toonami4life: second-to-none graphics and animations, incredible sound design, great combat and AI, obsessive attention to detail, 25-30 hours long, amazing performances from the actors.... oh but Joel died and you have to see the story from another perspective so that automatically makes it a 2/10. Seems legit.
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