@lostn: did you know the first amendment only applies to the government? Facebook can do whatever they please since they are a private company and there’s nothing the second amendment will do to change that. Fact.
@ngocphi: well you know what, if you wrote this story on paper, I wouldn’t want it either. But when I played it, I was blown away. It was not what I wanted, but there are plenty of movies I can say the same about. No one wants to deal with emotions anymore. They don’t want heartbreak. They want fan service and that is what RUINS movies. TLJ was not the movie people wanted but it could have moved the Star Wars franchise into uncharted territory (a good meaningful story instead of just fan service and rehashing old tropes). TLJ didn’t fit with JJ Abrams’ vision because he wanted to provide fan service and to make a “safe” movie. Rian Johnson sideswiped all of that in favor of trying something new and unexpected.
Kinda like how COD makes “safe” games every year and don’t push the industry forward in any meaningful ways. In fact the only innovation they made was by copying Respawn (ex IW employees). If Rian Johnson has his own trilogy and left out all the existing legacy characters and made new ones, he could have made a really thought provoking storyline, I’m sure. This is definitely ND’s TLJ moment but I’m in the boat that I thought TLJ was really good on its own. It just didn’t fit with JJ Abrams established narrative and JJ seriously botched ROTS in the laziest way possible. The Duel of the Fates script sounded infinitely better than the stupid Palpatine garbage.
So yeah, I really enjoyed TLOU2 and I gave an extensive write up on it to the company that hosted a focus group I was involved in last week. My opinion has been counted. ND is not even considering these trash internet opinions because he knows it’s just vile trolls doing their thing per usual.
And as for Blizzard, they’ve been going downhill since merging with Activision. And like the points I made about COD, Activision isn’t interested in moving the industry forward, just making lots of money. It’s sad to see Blizzard fall from graces but that’s what happens with mergers. Square Enix hasn’t really been the same either, at least on the JRPG side. They seem like they’re rebounding now, but it only took a decade...
@aodmisery: The first game's MP was fantastic and that was with the first game's average shooting mechanics. TLOU2 may have a divisive story but that's the only thing that could be considered wrong with it from an objective point of view. From a technical level, the game is phenomenal and more polished than anything I've played since Horizon.
@grim1234: No because trolls feed off of hate and vitriol. Telling them to be supportive is like telling a bully to leave you alone. It will probably make them do it more. We just need to ignore them. I've just started blocking rampant trolls recently and I've noticed less hate overall.
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