Hate to sound like a zoomer pushing for a game to follow obvious trends but I feel like The Last of Us 2's mechanics would be very well suited to a battle royale mode.
Parts of the Seattle levels that are already there could make for decent battle royale maps, with some minor tweaks
As much as I hate battle royale modes because of the Fortnite stuff, I agree. The original game's multiplayer was kind of a small scale battle royale or COD Search and Destroy mode where it's last man standing with no respawns during rounds. It's been a while since I've played it so forgive me if I fudged some details. I wouldn't be surprised if this has already been considered internally.
@Keivz_basic: No, it means that there won't be all this effort and time wasted designing around the limitations of the hardware. I've read up on how ND deals with loading and they have dedicated enormous amounts of time working around it, especially on PS4 where they got away from doing prerendered cutscenes and loading behind them. Now they load everything in real time, which takes a lot of effort to optimize.
@jyml8582: bigots are people who are not accepting of other's people's different lifestyles. He literally did the complete opposite of that. I'm guessing you identify with Evan, which is sad.
@gabe-kc: I assumed that Nora told her that she was the doctor’s daughter when she tortured her. I don’t recall all the smaller details but yeah I like your point about how they don’t truly understand each other. The ending was bleak but I still liked it. It was unique in the video game medium. It’s rare we get fucked up endings like this and make people talk so much about the nuance and deeper meanings.
I feel like the game will eventually overcome its bad rep from the leak and be appreciated for the risks it took. I got chosen for a market research to talk about the game and it couldn’t have been a better game to talk about.
The problem with this piece is that prior to Ellie torturing Nora, she didn't know who Abby was any why exactly she wanted Joel dead. She assumed she was a Firefly but, correct me if I'm not remembering right, but she didn't know that the doctor was her dad. She didn't know how personal it was for Abby. Based on the final fashback on the porch, Ellie and Joel were just about to try to reconcile their disagreement on Joel's hospital decision, but then he gets murdered the next day. Ellie was pissed because she spent 2 years being mad at Joel, only to lose him the second she tried to fix things when she could have forgiven him 2 years ago and enjoyed her remaining time with him. It was a tragic story and I feel that the outcome was worse than her dying because she lost everything she loved (Dina, Joel, guitar, comfortable life, Potato).
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