@Lord_Sesshy: why play call of duty when you can join the military? Why play GTA when you can just become a criminal? Why play no mans sky when you can become an astronaut? Why be a Pokémon trainer when you can call Michael Vick? You realize how retarded you sound when you boil down complicated and nuanced experiences down to a single sentence?
@Acheron18: the controls aren’t bad at all. They just take a different and more realistic approach to item management. Most games it’s like 99.9/100kg I can run and sprint and jump, and the second you pick something up and go over your limit, you’re a sluggish troll or can’t move at all. Death Stranding just makes it so once you pass the 50% load mark, you tip over a little easier. It’s not hard to keep your balance and I hardly ever fall over. Just walk around with L2 and R2 pushes down and you run slightly slower, but much less prone to tipping. Once you get exo suit parts and vehicles it becomes astronomically easier to manage.
But go ahead and hate the game cuz clearly that’s your main priority. Not actually giving a fair assessment. Also, the game is intense and horrifying when dealing with BTs with a heavy kid with you. Do you drop cargo for easier movement or do you try to press on with the whole load and risk dying? (Which can cause a void out and permanently destroy portions of the game environment). I’m 20 hours in and I’m loving it. It’s a very nuanced experience with much more depth that most people give it credit for.
@justthetip: I find it hard to believe that as of the time you posted your comment, the game had only been out for about 9 hours and you are already 9 hours in and hating it, and posting about how much it sucks. I’m hardcore into the game and I don’t even dump 9 hours into a game on day one. Sounds like you watched a couple streams so you know what the game is about and started shitting on it cuz that was your intention all along. Usually when I play games, I give them 2 hours tops before I toss it aside. I gave Fallout 4 3 hours and still regret not quitting sooner. Can’t wait til I’m back home from vacation to dig my teeth into this. From all the footage I’ve seen, this game is right up my alley. Gonna light up a massive bowl and enjoy the shit out of it. I’m in fucking Cabo and all I can think about is playing this game 😂😂😂
@hushed_kasket: most of the reviews are pretty much in line with GS tho. Except IGN. But they give 9.5’s to practically every COD game each year so I disagree with them quite often.
@Sepewrath: god forbid they actually implement some realistic physics to the game. Nothing like running around with a 200lb backpack and spinning around like there’s nothing on your back. That’s cool. 😐😐😐
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