@the_kfd_case: as someone who beat the whole game, it’s worthy of at least a nomination. It’s story, production values, passive online system and overall message are incredible. Anyone who calls it a walking simulator completely missed the entire point of the game (or just didn’t play it). It’s like calling Sekiro a murder simulator.
@asnakeneverdies: DMCV was incredible. It stood toe to toe with Sekiro in the action genre and is arguably better and doesnt have to sacrifice approachable for depth.
@justthetip: I will look back and think how I was treated by someone my own age and realize age doesn’t matter whatsoever. Some people are just really rude simply because you have a slightly different opinion.
@troopertrooper: Look we get it, you’re a simpleton. No need to try so hard. That’s exactly how I feel about blockbuster action movies and most of the comic book movies that come out. All flash and zero substance or depth of emotion. Romance and comedies are all rehashes of older movies. Only the occasional drama or thriller are any good these days. God forbid Kojima try to do something unique and groundbreaking with his narrative.
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