@storjohan_: yeah but people cry whenever black people get ANYTHING. Black Panther comes out and people complain about lack of white people and how it’s black propaganda. Black stormtrooper, people lose their shit. Black mermaid people lose their shit. Black people in The Witcher tv show people lose their shit. I’m white and the amount of white fragility amongst the nerd culture is staggering and frankly embarrassing.
@hrv_25: Companies are capable of evolving but you have to speak with your wallet. Battlefront II was a huge paradigm shift for EA and this is the first sign of the results. Between Shadow of War removing all MT's, Battlefront II's progression being totally reworked and added a ton of content, and rumors going around that Anthem is getting a Final Fantasy XIV-esque soft reboot, EA may have a positive future ahead of them. Jedi was the first EA game other than Titanfall 2 I've bought since Battlefield 4. I did get Battlefront II because it's so much better now and because it was only $7.50.
@storjohan_: What other Jedi powers would you put in the game? I can maybe think of one (a force shield, maybe?) There's not really a lot compared to Sith.
@nashequil: It's way more like the new Tomb Raider games than the old ones. Old TR never had any backtracking or revisiting of areas as far as I recall. It's what I call "semi-open world" as in you can revisit all areas you've been to but it's segmented levels as opposed to one cohesive world.
@murderinc: Way too many bugs and rough edges to elevate it beyond an 8 in my opinion. Also, its very derivative gameplay-wise. Nothing in the game is original. It's basically just Tomb Raider's semi-open world gameplay and exploration in the Star Wars universe, with a little Dark Souls added in for good measure.
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