The original game didn’t really have a great translation to begin with and a lot of the dialogue was kinda hammy. Especially when you compare it to 8 and 9.
@doodoflife: I'm like 75% of the way through it and while it's not as good as the last 2, it's not a 6. More like a 8 in my opinion. Especially with the truckload of DLC in the season pass.
@doodoflife: yeah there’s no way it’s actually good on it’s own right. You just sound super salty and childish. It’s so funny how every single site I go to says the same thing “<insert site name> is Sony biased!!!” It’s almost as is Sony just has a great repertoire of quality studios and Sony allows them ample time to finish their games unlike MS who tends to rush their games to market and patch out the issues and patch in more content later.
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