@HAWK9600: Japan has always remade games, probably more than Western devs to be honest (until recently). Final Fantasy 1-4, Dragon Quest 4-7, Pokemon Gen 1-3, Metal Gear Solid 1, Resident Evil 1 got remade TWICE, and that's just off the top of my head.
@bassam: Not really. Look at Shadow of the Colossus. That was made completely from scratch and is basically the same game but with crazy levels of graphical improvement. Same goes for Spyro and Crash.
@climhazard5: The only real improvement I would want to see is RE5's control scheme implemented and some graphical improvements (textures, lighting, resolution/FPS). I'd like the base game to remain mostly the same tho. JUST LET ME STRAFE!
@so_hai: So what you're saying is that haunted houses are scarier when you have 2 small children wrapped around your ankles. Because that's what playing old school resident evil games feels like.
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