@Gigyas: actually I got the special edition both times so it was over $200 total. No regrets. I had been meaning to play it over again anyways and I specifically held off on it once Royal was announced.
@HAWK9600: RE4 plays pretty much like the 2 recent RE remakes tho, so remaking it would involve just ironing out the kinks in the controls. RE4 was limited with what it could do being on the GC and all. No real right analog stick and missing a few buttons over the PS2. If they remade it with RE5 or 6 controls, I'd be totally fine with that. It would still be more or less the same game but not a pain to play. I played RE4 on the PS4 recently and it was tough to go back to.
Now if they remade it in first person like RE7, that would be a whole nother conversation.
@r-gamer: There literally were female Vikings and they were able to become Vikings by being badasses. Vikings didn't care what sex you were. Weird how Vikings are more progressive than you.
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