@Berserk8989: yeah I had infinity war spoiled for me and I was prepared to hate it based on the ending but then I watched it and SOMEHOW it ended up working and I loved the movie. Imagine that! I’m 100% expecting that with TLOU and probably more so because they do dramatic moments and emotion way better than some superhero movie.
@ronaldmcreagan: I love that what’s in people’s pants is such a topic of discussion. If you meet a manly looking woman, do you ask what’s in their pants before continuing the conversation?
@epic_poke8: ND has never let me down in their 25 years of making Sony games. I have full confidence the plot will play out in an interesting way. Based on the trailers, it seems like the plot was set in stone at least 4 years ago and they spent all this time working on the assets, gameplay mechanics, and optimization. No one sits on a shitty story without substantial rewrites over the course of 4 years. You think SOMEONE would have been like "people aren't gonna like this". At the end of the day, its a business and executives don't finance things that aren't gonna sell.
@sparent180: Right. I can think of dozens of examples of insane plot twists that sound terrible on paper but play out in an interesting way. Not everything has to be sugar and rainbows with a happy ending.
@dredd302: I guess people's opnions are going to vary. The plot sounds extremely strong and emotional to me. I can't wait, though I'm pretty upset someone spoiled everything for me. I definitely did not go looking for those spoilers.
@Xevac: It sounds like there will never be a time where including gender/ethnicities in media will be accepted, no matter how good the content actually is. There will always be "those people".
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