@deviltaz35: well, I originally played it when I was in college and had no money for every game I wanted. And fetch quests or not, I really enjoyed the game overall so I didn’t mind doing all of them to try and get to level 100. For the remastered edition, I probably will just play through the story, the new epilogue and call it a day. I don’t have the desire or time for all of that these days.
@basketballfan: There's a lot of great talent behind the game, but it's not the greatest game ever made. The story is pretty predictable (I called the metal faces previously being people the second I met them and subsequently figured out that Fiora was probably still alive) and the graphics at the time sucked. Final Fantasy X came out 10 years prior and had phenomenally better character models. Also, Persona 4 is a longer game and came out 3 year prior on a much weaker system and it didn't have to resort to fetch quests to pad the length.
@basketballfan: 500 hours is quite a stretch. You can beat the story in like 60-70 hours without side quests. I did all side quests and story on the Wii in like 130 hours. And most of that is spent wandering and battling. All the story cutscenes on Youtube equates to only about 10 of those hours. And 300/400 of the side quests are fetch quests or beat this monster. Thankfully they designed them in such a way where you don't have to run back to the quest giver to get the reward, which saves a ton of time and headache.
@jsprunk: I've had a white PS3 (offbrand mind you) controller that I've had since like 2010 that is still white. Also, my mom's 5 year old iPhone 6 is still white.
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