@Faellin: I had 3 on Ps1 and thought it was the best skating game ever. And then I played the PS2 version which is leaps and bounds better. I hope they bring levels and music from 3 and 4 too.
@srfilk86: I play some games online and will always have a PS+ sub for that reason alone. The fact that I get free games along with it is just icing on the cake. Also, I've never ever paid $60 for a sub before. I always get it on sale. I actually just bought 2 years at this price.
@Berserk8989: I guess we’ll just have to disagree because AC Odyssey was a great game. A bit too long but I definitely wouldn't have said that when I was working less hours and had more free time. It seems that Ubisoft heard the feedback and scaled back in Valhalla a bit. I’m all for that.
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