@Bazz3442: I've been playing shooters since Wolf 3D, Doom and Duke Nukem 3D, but why would I compare youngblood to them? They don't hold up. The only 90s shooter that aged well in my opinion is Half Life. I compare Youngblood to its 2 direct predecessors, New order and New Colossus, which are both solid 9's to me and 2 of the best shooters of this generation, next to Titanfall 2. It was decent but very different and I guess I can understand some people are resistant to change. My only complaint was the story wasn't very interesting but I enjoyed it for what it was: a $30 side venture. It wasn't Wolf 3 and clearly wasn't trying to be. And besides, shooters with RPG mechanics ALWAYS get repetitive. Never played one that didn't but Youngblood wasn't as long as most RPG shooters so it didn't wear on me as much as Borderlands or Destiny did.
@loveblanket: Since 1995. Never once has a cosmetic MT bothered me at all. It's the ones that upset the balance of the game I have a problem with. Buying in game currency for a MP game with real money (Battlefront 2) and loot boxes that give abilities and other gameplay elements are the ones I have a problem with. Games are expensive to make and I understand why someone would want to put a "donate" button in the game.
@kungpaoshizi: lol at the whole guy saying skin color doesn’t matter. Maybe not to you because Americans have no culture to call their own but literally everyone else does care.
@dlCHIEF58: the game’s that Insomniac has made have all be PS exclusive. They didn’t make any stories games past the 3rd one so they are technically correct. That’s like saying the original Sonic Trilogy wasn’t a Sega exclusive just because newer ones are multi platform.
@Bazz3442: I'm just calling irony as I see it. I'm guessing you'll come back to this page and give em another click too. I created this account literally a month after you so I know what it was like back then. It was definitely more civil and fair in the forums. And after playing majority of this game so far, it's not bad. Like a solid 7, tops, but nowhere near as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Guaranteed all the people crying haven't played it. Keep giving Gamespot their clicks!
@Bazz3442: The funny part is you say they're "hoaring" themselves out for money, yet here you are on the page coming back to comment, giving them clicks and falling for their bait. What a weak human. Aware of bait, falls for it anyway. Even mice run when they know the cheese is a trap.
KahnArtizt's comments