@squishytia: that’s probably not a good idea because many are hidden due to blatant spoilers in the name or description. That would suck to have a game accidentally spoiled for you.
@asnakeneverdies: Its not really homogenization when it looks and plays like RE 4-6. Especially considering RE4 was the game that essentially invented the over-the-shoulder shooter perspective and critically lauded for its modernization. But I guess I get it. You wanted REmake 2.
@asnakeneverdies: if they game us tank controls and fixed camera angles, it would have been a hard pass for most. It was tolerable in 1999 but totally unacceptable by today’s standards.
@asnakeneverdies: Capcom seems to be going more the “reimagining” route, like what Square is doing with FF7. It’s the same story and general concept, but the gameplay has evolved for modern technology.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: I’m not gonna argue with you about Nitro Kart and Wrath of Cortex. They weren’t made by Naughty Dog. Activision took over the rights and nearly ruined it. They didn’t remake Nitro Kart tho. Just implemented some of the gameplay ideology (customization, difficulties) and some of the better tracks. Nitro Kart’s handling was not as good as CTR and they are right for not remaking it like that one.
@cramseyla25: CTR was so much better than MK64 and DKR. Better handling, awesome boost mechanics, and an actual single player mode. Mario Kart 8 wipes the floor with it for the most part, but 20 years later, it’s still a blast to play. MK64 has not aged well at all.
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