@Nightmare5000: well considering the original Crash got pretty low reviews for being unfairly difficult, I say that’s fair. Go look at old reviews for Crash 1. It was not well received. 2 and 3 definitely were tho because they fixed all the issues of 1.
@cboye18: Battletoads is hard because it’s a shitty game and not well programmed. I’ll argue that to my grave. Battletoads’ retro love is 100% driven by nostalgia and not cuz the game was actually good.
@Mogan: Yes, if you choose Nitro-Fueled mode over classic mode. Nitro-Fueled is the same as classic but with more options so you should always choose that unless you want a pure, nostalgic experience.
@nickca: CTR shit on Mario Kart 64 in almost every conceivable way back I’m the day. The thing is that Mario Kart has evolved in 20 years. This is more or less the same game from 1999 with better visuals. It’s tough to compare them 1:1.
@Poodger: I doubt they would do that. In the trailer the castle lifts out of the ground, assuming it will move somewhere else. Nintendo is not known for reusing whole maps for sequels. Majora’s Mask recycled textures and character models but didn’t have a single reused town or dungeon. Same for Mario Galaxy 2.
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