@Barighm: They will run better with the patches because they are specially optimized to use that extra. Boost mode is basically "give it everything we have and hope for the best!" So no, I can't imagine they would even want you to disable it.
@wexorian: Some games can do native 4K but it's not usually graphics intensive games like the Witcher. Resogun, The Witness, Skyrim, ESO, The Last of Us, Diablo 3, Smite, Rez Infinite are all native 4K.
@sbaltys: ME1 had awful gunplay and ran like a slideshow. I played it for about an hour or two before just skipping to the second one and read a wiki for the first one. ME2 was vastly superior in practically every aspect.
@halo1399: Just a note, THPS3 wasn't released on Xbox for at least another year after PS2 and strangely enough didn't have online play like the PS2 version did. I think the omission of online play is enough to knock it down to like a 9. Especially on a console that took pride in its online capabilities.
@Cryio: I thought it was very well paced until you encounter the Flood. That was probably the worst part, but it's still not that bad. If Halo is tedious, what does that make Half-Life? That game was just as drawn out and much more empty, but I still consider that game one of the greatest FPSs of all time.
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