@xavier141524: Prove it. Otherwise, you're comment holds no weight and is pure speculation and paranoia. Last I checked, bribery is a felony and Nintendo doesn't need to pay for reviews to sell games, and I doubt such a financially conservative company would risk their 120+ years of . They're doing just fine by their own account.
@verysalt: Because you played Doom 1 & 2 for the story right? LOL if you asked me, I would say there wasn't even a story. I don't remember any at all! Just fast and furious gunplay with great music. Just like the new one, but on steroids.
@SythisTaru: Doom may have had a non-existent story but the gameplay was better than the New Order IMO. Much more intense, in your face, and fluid. And some good platforming to boot! Plus the awesome metal that plays during gun fights is the icing on the cake.
KahnArtizt's comments