@golden1elite: Sony always had the better exclusives. All the way since the PS1 days. Unless you only like racing or online shooters, which is the only genres Xbox has the edge on. Single player story-driven action games, unique indie games, RPGs, and basically anything from Japan are PS's forte.
And I can't honestly agree that Xbox has the more intuitive system. I had the PS4 UI nailed down on day one while I still for the life of me can't figure out where I'm supposed to go to download my Games with Gold. PS is simple AND intuitive. games on the bar, all options above it on the top bar. Xbox is just all over the place. The 2015 update helped a ton but it still isn't very well organized. PS never needed to change much. Just little tweaks here and there.
@greenaj: Still better than nothing that you get with xbox one. If you just wanna chat with someone real quick, it gets the job done. 'Member when xbox 360 came with a headset and ps3 didn't and people gave sony shit? Oh! I 'member...
@lorddaggeroff: have you SEEN Days Gone? The E3 footage showed the player getting chased by hundreds of zombies with little to no framerate drops and that's probably like alpha footage. The consoles are capable of having large amounts of enemies onscreen at one time, but ultimately it comes down to how well it's rendered and optimized.
@lorddaggeroff: Unless phones start putting buttons and analog sticks, phones will NEVER replace consoles and handhelds, regardless of how powerful they are. Touchscreen gaming is simplistic at best and true gaming experiences will never be able to translate to touch controls.
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