Whenever the last firmware update came out I was downloading it but at the time I guess it was raining because all of a sudden mid download the power in the house shuts down :o. I thought my system would be toast when I turned it back on but it turned out being OK.
I suggest getting the official ps3 one ( the one that came with socom).
You can actually hear people talking to you. Not to mention the fact that most other mics abosultely BLOW. I have to mute half the people with mics who play on the ps3 because the quality of the mic they chose to purchase is just trash
Also. You dont need the docking station, just the cable to plug it into your system and then into the blutooth device.
A poster on the first page already told you all that the level cap is ACTUALLY level 25 and to get to that level you have to essentially do ALL the sidequests to go along with the main quest.
For all you grinding complainers...I think some of you "grind" so you can fight bosses far above the level at which most people fight them making the bosses easier.
What happens if you change your name and then replay all those games for all those trophies you lost only to realise that you dislike your new name too ? lol
I think its a disappointment as well but its not for the reasons you think it is other than what you said about deathstreaks and lagging at times.....what you said about the other stuffis untrue....i see plenty of people snipe and personally its n every map....and i dont know i think camping is whack.....youre not even playing the game you just find a place and when someone walks by you smash the R1 button...go chill with yogi bear for real....my other problem is in MP if youre blasting someone with a gun and theyre within a couple feet of you as long as they press R3 theyll most likely win the battle everytime especially with commando....it seems to me that the only people who cant see through this are the COD ****riders
knifers dont stand much chance even with commando against my dual G18's with FMJ
As for the Nuke I have played the MP for around 1 day and 20 hours and I have not seen ONE nuke. FYI I play Ground war 95% of the time.
The game is a HUGE improvement on the MP of MW. For one they got rid of those trash perks like Martyrdom *(now a deathstreak perk) and Juggernaught.
As for sniping. Ummmm there are certain maps where sniping is fantastic and others where you might be better off with an Assault rifle...not sure whazt the problem is there.
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