KapG's forum posts
Just finished the game...pretty good over all experience.
Fallout 3's turn :D
I don't even have a 360.
And I'm not trolling, because I remember there being a thread about how Farcry 2 was only in 720p on the PS3, but 1080p on the 360.
I mean jeez, some of you guys are ridiculous with your fanboy stuff.
I say one little thing and everyone gets so sensitive about it.
I think others have mentioned it but the 360 force upscales everything to 1080p...ill take a true rez over that personally
For Xbox 360, maybe.
Probably not PS3.
game looks great on ps3.
better luck trolling next time
its a sentimental thing... people dont wanna see their beloved franchise getting trampled on.
I haven't played any of the previous socoms and I enjoy the game....
There goes that theory...
counter strike is far from tacticle........ and it beats the unrealisticness of CoD4Nick3306
OK about counter strike. sigh.
If you are playing in PUBS (public servers) then sure CS isnt tacticle.
Now, I have personally played in CAL, the cyber athletic league for CS like 6 years ago. Played in Cal IM and we made the championship finals for that game. To say that Counter strike is NOT tactical...well, clearly you have never taken part in league play. CS was one of the most tactical 5 on 5 games. All the fakes, coordinating of smoks, fbs, learning different positions on defense..
better luck next time
He just owned all you haters.
I knew it wouldn't beat MGO.Keir21
LOL, i've played BOTH of them....
MGO can't hold Socom's jock strap, even while it was having all the server issues lol.
Why so much socom love? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that people enjoy the game? God forbid someone enjoy a game that you don't right?
I bought it the first day it was released and lgoged countless hours while the servers were all screwed up, yet I still had a blast. Haven't picked it up lately because of all the other games I just recently picked up (far cry 2, fallout3).
Why was there so much love for Resistance? The single player was OK...nothing special or innovative, just your standard linear hold my hand type shooter. The online? That was OK but no where near as good as some of the other multiplayer games out.
See how I can do that with other games too?
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