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Katosepe321 Blog

Lvl 18!

First off, I hit lvl 18! and i'm already at 25% wow... i knew 18 went fast but geez. I went up like... 31% overnight lol. Anyway, like every lvl, here's my long, drawn-out explanation of what Flicky means! Yay one that I don't have to look up! Flicky is a less-than-classic arcade style game originally made for the Sega Genesis in 1991 (1987 in Japan). It was both published and developed by Sega. More recently, it was added into the 2006 Sega Genesis Collection for the Playstation 2 and the PSP. On to Flicky itself, you play a momma bird named Flicky who has to pick up all her baby birds and take them to the exit door without getting caught by the evil cats. There is a catch however, the more birds you are holding when you reach the exit door, the more points you will get, but you move significantly slower with every bird you pick up. Pick up all the birds in this screen-wrapping adventure to move on to the next level. It wasn't rated all that highly when it first came out and that hasn't changed much in recent years. However, it does make a fine addition to the Sega Genesis Collection pack. It is also available on Mobile phones.

Okay, on to the next thing. I also recieved 2 new emblems overnight!

1. Good Taste

For the connoisseur of fine games.
Those with good taste are judicious about what games they add to their impressive collections, and would be reluctant to pollute their rows and rows of cl@ssics with anything approaching average quality. Ask these fine individuals for advice on what to buy next, because chances are, you won't go wrong by following their guidance.

This emblem was achieved by having an average score of higher than 8.5 in my game collection area. I believe there is also a minimum game limit to getting this as well (might be more than 10 games but not sure)

2. I voted 

For casting your vote, here's a brand-new emblem to add to your collection. By exercising your right to vote, you've contributed to the site by letting the whole world know about what GameSpot readers really think. Make your voice heard! Vote early and vote often!"

I'm not entirely sure what triggers this emblem since i've voted plenty of times on the gamespot polls but I know it does have to do with the polls on the homepage. It's probably that you have to vote a certain amount of times or something.

Well, that's all my GS news that I have for today.


Other than all that, another day, another step closer to Blizzards big announcement! Yesterday i hardly cared about it and was content simply waiting till saturday without even thinking about it in depth, however now i'm dying to know! Even though i'm almost positive it will be Starcraft 2, I can't wait to hear the actual announcement.

Also, as far as school goes, I'll be on more this weekend than i thought because my speech was moved back to next wednesday. This means that i have more time and therefore can spend a little of it on GS. So, if you want to reach me here, you can and i'll be checking everyones blogs daily. Well, that's all for today i think! Peace everyone! Check out my board!

Back to what matters, the games! Blizzard analysis time!

Hey everyone, sorry about the heroes obsession of late. I've been really excited about it but now i'll keep it to the board. Anyway, back to what really matters on gamespot. The video games!

So, as most of you know, Blizzard is making an announcement this weekend about a new game currently in development. Nobody knows what it is yet and they plan on keeping it that way until saturday. The bets are on and it seems most people are hoping for a Starcraft or Diablo sequel. I personally am not expecting anything for sure (better to be surprised than be dissapointed because it's not what I thought it would be).

Starcraft 2

Theories of a sequel to the critically-acclaimed Starcraft and expansion Starcraft: Brood War have been circulating on the net for a long time and none of them ended up being true. Fake screenshots, false interviews with made up developers and of course, our good buddy "insert username here" who works for blizzard and loves giving out info on random forums! But now with Blizzard telling about a new game, the starcraft fanboy's could be appeased!

The likelihood of the new game being Starcraft 2 is pretty likely actually. In surveys given across the net, Starcraft 2 seems to win everywhere. Don't think Blizzard is blind to this. They know that people want it and will pay tons of money for it, and that's exactly what they want. The first starcraft is still played today and is known by all gamers as one of the best RTS's ever made (debatable by fans of Total Annihilation). If Blizzard thought they could get a good team together, Starcraft 2 could definitely be a reality.

Possibility: 4/5

Starcraft MMO

With the success of World of Warcraft, developers everywhere have seen just how much money a quality MMO can bring in. Monthly fee's, bonus character slots, and buying the game itself all give tons of cash-flow. However, there is a downside. For a good MMO, the company needs a team constantly working on it and making upgrades. This costs a lot of money as well as time and needs a large team behind it.

Warcraft began as an RTS game of critical acclaim just like starcraft so you can't say that this isn't possible because Starcraft is an RTS. But this is the reason i'm going to argue. Since Warcraft was an RTS made into an MMO, it's unlikely that Blizzard will do the EXACT SAME THING with Starcraft. 0/5 for originality points right there and if they make this, people will simply compare the two and they would inevitably end up competing with each other. It's very unlikely that Blizzard will want two hit MMO's to have to keep up and they would cannibalize each other.

Possibility: 1/5

Diablo 3

Diablo undoubtably the biggest hit that Blizzard ever had. Despite the fact that the last Diablo game came out six years ago, people everwhere are still obsessed and have not given up hope for another sequel. It has spawned two games and expansions to go with each, a book series, a manga and countless fan sites. As fans have all but fallen at Blizzard's feet to make another Diablo game, this doesn't seem too impossible.

But, there is one huge problem with this theory. The developers who once worked on the Diablo games have broken off and created their own company, Flagship Studios, who are now working on Hellgate: London. Blizzard, of course, still has full copyright control over the Diablo series and anything done with it, but it seems unlikely that they would set another team on the Diablo games after everyone knows the original creators are working on their own project. I believe that the last thing that Blizzard wants is a war with a former team. Not saying that Diablo 3 is an impossibility but i wouldn't put money on it.

Possibility: 2/5

Warcraft IV

Whoo boy, even after all the extreme hype over World of Warcraft, there are still quite a few people who are hoping for the Warcraft series to return to it's roots in the RTS genre. I'm just gonna go straight out and say that this is almost for sure NOT going to happen.

After the success of World of Warcraft, Blizzard isn't going to take steam off of that powerhouse and split Warcraft fans between WoW and Warcraft IV. If the new game is anything Warcraft related (which is highly doubtful since they have announced it is a NEW project), it will be a new expansion for World of Warcraft.

Possibility: 0/5

So there you go, my thoughts on the matter. I personally would bet on Starcraft 2 but Diablo 3 is a possibility too. I wouldn't count on a completely new project with all these incredible licenses they already own and have strong fanbase's for but I suppose that's possible too. Whatever it is, we'll all know Saturday when Blizzard makes the announcement. I'm sure you'll be huddled up next to your computer just like me, just waiting for it to come. Peace everyone!

Heroes RECAP!!!

Hey guys! Just a recap of last night's heroes episode today and my updated theories. First off, nobodies been posting anything on my board... MacRuckus is still the only poster on there. T_T. I'm gonna cry everytime i check it and see no ones posted anything so if u don't want to see me crying then post something! (not really just check it out)

So, on with Heroes.


So, I think there were three major things that happened. Their names are Lindermann, D.L., and Ted. Namely, they're all dead. A couple other major things, Nathan has been elected into congress (big surprise there :P) and Sylar has taken Ted's power of radioactivity. Obviously there are other things that happened but i'm gonna stick to these things for right now. Nathan getting elected was no surprise to anyone basically cuz Lindermann promised that a long time ago and despite his obvious insanity, he doesn't seem the kind of guy that would lie about something like that. But this does mean that history is still on track with what Hiro and Ando saw. However, one major thing has happened tho. Instead of Peter exploding when he first met Ted, now Sylar is the one that explodes. The only way i can see this changing is if somehow, Peter loses control of that ability because of Sylar. As that's pretty doubtful, Sylar is basically the one doing the kabooming now. As i can't see how this would make too much of a difference on the future other than Peter not having his extreme sense of guilt, it still will end up pretty bad for everyone if things keep going they way they are. Now lets move on to the deaths. D.L. wasn't much of a surprise since in the future, Nikki was dating Peter. So we knew something had to have happened to D.L. at the very least they broke up, but that didn't seem likely as they probably would have had him somewhere if it had been just that cuz he is still a hero. Anyway, this was probably the best scene of the whole episode, before D.L. died, he reached into Lindermann's head and killed him. I have to say, the special effects on Lindermann's eyes were freakin awesome. Anyway, as Lindermann seemed to be gone in the future too, i'm pretty sure that this was the way it was meant to happen. So that's all the same, Ted's dead but he didn't seem to play a part either. No matter what twists we look at, nothing seems to have changed huh. Well, lets move on to some of the other things that happened. Hiro met his dad again who knew he had power all along AND used to be a hero himself. Seems like he's not the self-centered a** everyone thought he was. So Hiro met with his dad at the sword shop and taught Hiro how to use a sword for real so that he could fight Sylar. Now Hiro seems to be the most powerful of them all. not only can he stop time, he can use a sword for realz. That's pretty cool. Unfortunately, Ando thought that Hiro would give up the fight and go home with his Dad so Ando bought a sword and is going after Sylar himself. That is not a good sign. Personally, Hiro and Ando are my fav characters for their comedic relief. As i'm an anime fan, subtitles don't bother me at all. Everyone knows that theres no way that Ando can kill Sylar. he has no special ability and is really only there to help guide Hiro and strengthen his beliefs. So now it's up to Hiro to save Ando and stop Sylar. It's hard to tell where this is going to go. No matter what, everything seems to fit with the show. Obviously the writers have no problem killing off main characters so why not Ando? And Ando does die during the explosion so if they fail, that's what's gonna happen. Personally tho, i think that Hiro will end up saving Ando at the last minute. Or maybe one of the other heroes will save him while Hiro tries to find them lol. Finally, the last thing i'm gonna analyze is the whole little tracker girl and suresh. Now, based on the previews, we know that Bennet doesn't shoot the girl but we don't know what happened to either Bennet or Suresh. I don't think either one of them will die tho, i think they'll probably end up coming to some kind of compromise. The girl is the important part. One, she can find Sylar but on the other hand, if something happens and history does go the way Hiro saw it, then she could be the death of every hero on the planet. We know that she idolizes Matt Parkman (who thankfully has been getting more important as time goes by) and since we know parkman joins up with Nathan/Sylar, who can say if the girl won't as well? As for what will happen to change this, it's hard to say. It seems like it's really all up to Peter/Claire/Hiro to stop Sylar. Too bad Hiro doesn't even know the other two are there :P. Well, we'll see how it turns out next week on the season finale! yay! Post your theories on my board! Peace!

More check in! *New Heroes INFO!!*

Well, heroes is on in an hour so i thought I would take a break for the rest of the day (since i can't concentrate on anything but heroes right now anyway :P). So, I just got back from SAT class and on my last practice test i got a 1990! woot! For those of you that dont' know how the scoring works, it's out of 2400 and the average score is a 1520. so that's really good. I got a 12/12 on my essay and 700/800 in both my reading and writing sections. My math, i only got a 590/800 which is still good but not incredible. This is really good cuz my GPA isn't too great right now (and by that i mean pretty bad ;)) so i need to make up for that in my SAT scores. Thankfully the college i want to get into, University of Montana, has pretty low acceptance requirements so i think i'll be good.

Anyway, the main thing! HEROES!!! which is on today! yay! So, I don't think Peter is gonna go kablooey at least not yet cuz based on the previews, it looks like Sylar has a lot to do with the explosion. More than what he admitted to in the future. BTW, his mom was F***ED UP!!!! I don't blame Sylar for going crazy after seein her. Just wanted to throw that out there lol. Anyway, I don't think i really get why Hiro has to kill Sylar. I mean, i get that he's a bad guy and all but that's not gonna help save the world. It's just gonna stop the heroes from getting killed later. Unless of course, my above theory is right and Sylar really does have more to do with the explosion than we think. Oh yeah, one thing i was wondering about (sorry for the seemingly random stream of consciousness going on here, my mind is going faster than my typing right now ;)), when Claire saw Ted in the last episode, she said his name and then did nothing to stop Peter from getting too close to him. It's not only Claire's fault either, Peter knew that Ted was the nuke guy and when he heard Ted's name, he didn't even try to run away or anything. Maybe they both just went really stupid all of the sudden. Major brain-fart right there. Oh well, my hope is the Invisible Man's training helped in some way and the next two episodes won't be Peter getting increasingly brighter hands. If you've got theories (hopefully better than mine lol) post them on my user board under the topic Heroes Theories. Peace everyone!

EDIT: Hey everyone! I just checked after Skategame told me about Heroes being renewed just to verify (not that I don't trust ya Skate lol, just had to see it for myself) and I found out some other awesome Heroes info! Apparently, there will be 6 side-story episodes made also that will introduce 6 brand new heroes, their backstories and other info about them. At the end of the six weeks, we have to vote for who is the best hero and then that person will be brought on as a co-star for the main storyline. It says these six episodes will air during the mid-season break so i don't know if that means before the season starts (so inbetween this season and the next) or if they are going to break the season up into 2 sections and then they will air it during the six week break. I guess that makes the most sense since they kind of did that during this season too. Okay, that must be what they mean. Sweet! So anyway, 30 more episodes have been planned (if you include the 6 side story eps) total for next season! You won't be lacking in Heroes awesomeness for a while! Peace everyone! Oh yeah and heres the link if you want to see for yourselves.;additional_links;0

Short break...

Hey everyone! I managed to find a short break between hw assignments and just thought i'd check in. I'm finishing up most of my hw faster than i thought and i might be done sometime middle of this week. Apparently i've been missing out on the Square-Enix party! How crappy is that! Square-Enix is and always will be my fav video game company (mainly cuz RPG's = best genre ever!). I have gotten some of the news however, such as CRISIS CORE!!!!! OMG!!! so glad i didn't end up selling my PSP simply for this one. And that's not only the amazing PSP news that's come out in the past few days. Star Ocean is coming out with a prequel and a remake of Star Ocean 2 for the PSP!! wow... RPG overload right there. And if that wasn't enough. Star Ocean 4 is coming out for the PS2!!!!!! This means I don't have to get a PS3 for the new one!!!! sweet! good news definitely... thank god next year is gonna be a complete slacker year as far as hw goes, i'm not even gonna have enough time to beat all these games! cool! Not too excited about the new Dragon Quest game simply cuz i didn't like 8 very much but i'll definitely being keeping watch on it as time goes by. K well thats all, back to Pedro Paramo... Peace everyone!


Hey everyone, really bad news. Even after I thought everything was done with school, i now have more projects than u can imagine. I can count about 10 off the top of my head due in the next week. And these aren't small projects either. I also have SAT this weekend and I have to work fly crew almost every day for the next week. What this means is, most likely, I won't be on at all for at least a week. If i'm lucky i'll be able to check my blog at least once. Sorry everyone. So for the unions i'm working on, sry, I won't be able to check in probably at all. You can still use my board that I made for fun. Post anything or whatever just try and follow the rules. If you really need to contact me for whatever reason and it can't wait for me to come back, email me at

Brain Bust

Hey everyone! Just a small check in post today. I just subscribed to GS so that i could play in the Brain Bust tournament that they are having. I think that I know a lot about video games (maybe not enough to win but i should be able to go kinda far) so why not. 1000 bucks and only 5 bucks to play (subscription fee) so whatever. I just got 25 bucks from the change i've been saving up for a couple months anyway so yeah. Anyway, First Person Shooter round is up first so i'm gonna be looking at all the FPS's to better my chances. I'm not so good with publishers and stuff so i'm gonna have to check those out. K peace everyone! I'm gonna be gone most of today doing church stuff so cyaz all tomorrows!

O yeah and i hit 1000 forum posts! woot!

Today is a good day for mankind!

Hey everyone! as the title kind of suggests, this is basically the sequel blog to yesterdays depressing rant about Heroes and TV shows in general. First off, Lost. Just saw (and confirmed from Skategame that i'm not the only person who heard it lol) that Lost has been confirmed for 3 more seasons and no more. What this means is, an ending for lost is in sight, and the writers actually do have a plan for what they are doing (despite constant rumors they are just making this up as they go :P). So the show will end in 2010. Also, the last five minutes of the season finale on may 27 (?) are supposed to show viewers where they plan on going with the show. Hopefully we'll know if the story is supposed to be scientific or super-natural this season :P.

K Heroes. After reading about the bad reviews, i've been hearing tons of things that suggest more seasons of Heroes have already been planned. One, Heroes is, for sure, [spoiler] going to have a cliffhanger ending. [/spoiler] this suggests that there will be more seasons. However, Invasion did the same thing and, as everyone knows, it didn't work so well for them. But there are also people saying that the second season was confirmed before ratings dropped. Also, this season has been a bad TV viewing season all around so they could be counting on the fact that next season, ratings will be back up. So, right now, it's not a confirmed thing (as far as i know) but it's not a for sure thing that there won't be a second season. My hope is that it will come back since i don't think i could stand another of my fav shows being dropped (Invasion was first... :( )

Finally, my theories for the two shows!


I'll start with heroes since i have to come up with some theories for Lost :P. K well, I think that due to the invisible man's training, Peter will be able to control his power right now but something will happen with Sylar and everyone that will cause him to lose control. Judging by the previews, it looks like Sylar has accepted his destiny (that Issac drew in the pictures) and is now actively trying to blow up New York. Also, due to his psycho mom, it looks like it's now his goal to become president (although we already knew that he did from last weeks episode). So, on to what i think will happen at the end, I think that they are going to somehow stop Sylar and also stop Peter from exploding, but future Hiro will come back and tell them that the world is not yet saved. How this will happen, i'm not totally sure yet but I think that it will end with future Hiro coming back again, just like he did originally with Peter.


Hmm... Lost is tough. It seems like we don't have enough information to really make theories here. Well, if you've been with this blog for a long time (which I don't think anyone was here when i did this), I talked about the online Lost Experience thing that gave some clues as to what was going on on the island. Basically, we found out that the island was originally run by the Hanzo Foundation (they have logo's all over the place on the island and had fake commercials running during the show last season) who started the Dharma Initiative. The Dharma Initiative was started after the Cold War in fear of a nuclear holocaust. Basically, after the cold war, the U.N. started secret research in order to find the exact date of the end of the world. They found it but no one knows what it is since the mathmatician who found it, Endo Vallenzetti, killed himself and burned his writings. We do know that the key to his equation is in 6 numbers. Take a wild guess what the numbers are hmm... yup, 4 8 15 16 23 42. Anyway, back to the Hanzo, they started the Dharma Initiative in order to change these numbers and essentially, postpone the end of the world. Good thing right? too bad they were using human research subjects and killing off entire towns in order to do this. Pretty bad stuff. They would send doctors into small towns claiming they were ending an epidemic when really, they were starting one. Bad stuff. Except it was ended in the 70's. Concerning the island, it was the location of one of the Dharma Initiative's head research facilities. No one knows why they ended it or what happened there but we do know that the electromagnetics were made so that no one could ever find the island. That's as much as we know from the Lost Experience so from here on out, it's all speculation. I think that The Others, namely Ben, are left overs from the original team of scientists that came to the island for the Dharma Initiative. Maybe they decided they wouldn't stop trying and stayed behind to continue their research. Who knows, maybe they still are using the Losties (main chars) as some kind of psychological research. But it's hard to know for sure with the whole "your dead." thing thrown in there. My only explanation of this (if it is a scientific explanation and not supernatural) is that the Hanzo still hasn't given up on the left over scientists, and manipulated the people onto the plane (this is an almost for sure thing since they all know each other from places in the past and many people were manipulated onto flight 815 by the same person) and then created a second flight 815 and crashed it on purpose. They would then make fake logs to make everyone assume that everyone on the plane really did die. This seems pretty far-fetched tho so i'm not too sure about this theory.

Well, hope you weren't too bored reading this lol. If you have theories on either show, plz comment with them! I love hearing new stuff about both.

OMG 3 blog posts in a day...

K i promise i'm done with surveys for a while lol. Really short blog post now, just wondering if anyone could make me a good Kingdom Hearts banner, i'd really appreciate it. I'm not very good with photoshop (as you can probably tell from my current banner :P) and would really like it if someone could make one for me. PM me if ur interested.