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Katosepe321 Blog

Drivers Test!

Hey everyone! I just got back a little while ago from my drivers test and I PASSED!!!! WOOHOO!!!! first try and i got a 91! It freaked me out tho cuz the tester was talking to me like i failed at first but it's all good!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYA! But yes i did say before i hate driving and that's still the case. I'm more happy because that means i never have to worry about it anymore. My parent's aren't gonna make me practice anymore or anything like that. I actually do like driving on the freeway and the fact that i can drive by myself and not having to bug my parents anymore, but normal roads piss me off. Too many rules, too many things to watch out for, too many hella stupid people on the roads these days. But w/e. This means i can for sure take 1st period off next year as a senior waver and sleep in every day!! yay!!!

So, a couple random short things. One, trauma center. I'm currently at the *SPOILER maybe...* time bomb part where you have to defuse it in the auditorium. omg... so annoying. I keep getting to the last part of it where you have to blow up the core with the lazer but i keep hitting the panels cuz i think they are in the back and they arent. O well. I'll get it eventually. And today i finally finished that stupid mission on that Tyler's sister where you have to kill the moving tumors. Those got me for SOOOOOOO long. First parts easy where there's only one pair but when there are 2 pairs... omg... couldn't handle that. Kept forgetting to use Healing Touch too so i'd be mad at myself that i didn't use it lol. But after about 5-6 tries, i got that. I still love the game so much. It's so freakin fun. O and my average rank is a B in case ur curious. I got one S and a few A's but mostly B's and then some C's.

K second random thing, this ones short i promise :P. I watched the first episode of Berserk the anime... it's freakin awful. I highly recommend the manga (only if you are AT LEAST 16 or older. Seriously guys, this manga is hella disturbing. I've probably already been emotionally scarred by it.) but the anime is just bad. The animation looks on par with the first Mobile Suit Gundam and they deviate from the Manga in these completely unnecessary ways. Pretty dumb. But i'll watch the whole thing cuz i have nothing better to do while waiting for the next chapters to come out.

Ok, that's all. Peace everyone!!!

Ouch, no love...

Hey everyone! sorry i haven't been very active today, there are a couple reasons. In fact, I probably don't really have time to be writing this... oh well, i should probably let ya all know. I'm gonna be really busy until about next monday with projects and homework and stuff. Also, i'm finally taking my drivers test tomorrow so my parents have been making me practice a whole bunch. Kinda mixed feelings about the test but w/e. I personally hate driving (weird i know) and have made it a point to procrastinate taking my test for as long as possible. But now i'm 17 and i really need to get on it. It's not exactly a great start to a date when ur parents are driving you :P. Anyway, so even when i'm done with all that, i'm probably gonna be spending most of my free time playing Trauma Center (which just came today!! WOOT!!).

My thoughts so far on Trauma Center. Hella fun and seriously addicting. It is really hard though like people said but since you only really have 5 minutes to finish the operation anyway, replaying a mission over and over again isn't that much of a pain. So far the storyline's been really cheesy too. I just finished Chapter 1 so now i'm actually on to the real stuff. Great story though, i didn't know you get stabilizer (wasn't paying attention in that part of the tutorial i guess lmao) so the mission where you have to get the swelling down in the guys intestines was HELL!!! i kept getting all the swelling down and then i started on the tumors and the guy would die. Damn... I love the losing message too. "They realized that he never had any business working on patients in the first place" lmao. You screw up in one operation and all the sudden you should never have been a doctor lololol. Well, anyway, fun game. If you have a Wii you should get it. Now i have to work on my homework so i'll talk to ya all whenever all this crap going on ends. Peace all!

And hankey, yes i will have my preview to ya by friday if not sooner.

Tekken/Budokai union

K so i just decided that now, i'm gonna start actually getting into the unions and stuff so i should start off by telling u about the union that i'm an officer in! The Tekken and Budokai union. If you are interested in joining, check out my union page or Mr. Manga's blog. Otherwise, i'll send out invites pretty soon. See ya on the boards lol!

And after that...

So yay! After yesterday's (somewhat) serious post. Now i have another random stuff post!! yay!!

I walked downstairs this morning at 9:10 because of WASL testing (basically our state test thing that only sophmores do to graduate) which was hella tight to begin with and i see a package from Barnes and Noble for me! YAY it's my Path's of Darkness book i got for free from a barnes and noble gift card!! WOOT!!! 1166 pages of R.A. Salvatore and Drizzt greatness! If you haven't heard of Drizzt then not only are u missing out on some of the best fantasy reading out there, but you also obviously haven't played Dark Alliance 2 which has Drizzt as a secret character in it! Drizzt is a dark elf, in the forgotten realms world, dreamt up by master author (IMO) R.A. Salvatore. He forsakes his evil heritage to go and live on the surface with the good races (humans, light elves, dwarves and other such things) in the land of Icewind Dale. Now that i think about it, they also made a game of Icewind Dale which is entirely about Drizzt and his first adventure. Anyway, they have i believe 5 book series written about Drizzt so far and they are coming out with a 6th which makes him one of the most popular Forgotten Realms characters! woot! Path's of Darkness is his 4th quadrilogy so i'm excited to read it. I highly recommend any of Drizzt's books if u like fantasy novels.

So off of drizzt and much more pertinent to you all, I finally decided to reinstall Xfire (since i lost it when i got my new comp and never really installed it) basically due to the pushing of PCslacker. My sn is still Katosepe321 so send me an invite if you've got it, and if u don't, install it and then send me an invite! BTW i know some people sent me invites but for some reason, when i accepted it, it didn't work so if you could resend it, that would be awesome! K peace everyone!

The "Me" Blog

Hey everyone! So the time has come for me to let u guys know a little more about myself behind the (kickass) elfen lied picture. First off, random thought, Don't u think they need to make a New Super Mario World? super mario world was, IMO, the best super mario game ever. And i'm not complaining about New Super Mario Bros. but playing super paper mario, i was thinking thats what the series really needs since we never really got a good sequel to world... BTW, check out my Wii Code blog if you haven't already. anyways onto my main point.

 So, my names Devin and i would put a pic up but i'm way too lazy. If u wanna see me, check out my myspace at and theres one of me under my pics. Basically, i'm just entirely a gamer. I've been gaming since 4-5 when my parents got my bro and I a Sega Genesis. I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog so don't be dissin on him in front of me lol. I do admit tho, that all the recent games have been crap (haven't played Secret Rings yet tho so i'm hoping for something good from that), but the originals still kick all ass and i even have it on my cell phone just to hear the music hahaha. Now i have an Xbox, Playstation 2, a Wii, a PSP, my gaming comp and a sega dreamcast (which still does own all! Power Stone FTW!)

So outside of gaming, i'm also an actor. I've been in 4 independent movies, 2 of which haven't come out yet. and have a small part in an upcoming TV show called Demea. check out to learn about that. I've been acting since about teh same time i started gaming, when i started doing every school play we had (the list is over a page long). Pretty obsessive and maybe it helped, maybe not but it was fun doing them. Nothing's funnier than watching an 8 year old playing Danny Zucco in Grease.

Finally, i'm a pretty strong Christian. I do swear and stuff, i'm not like one of those uptight, if-you-do-anything-wrong-you-go-to-hell types but i do go to church all the time and am actually a youth leader there. We do some really cool stuff and it's really fun. I know a lot people say that people only go to church becuase they don't wanna go to hell, but i honestly do love going. Tons of my friends go and there are plenty of cute chicks that go (which is never a bad thing :P) and the sermons are actually interesting. But don't worry if you aren't christian, i'm not the evangelistic type AT ALL so don't worry about me trying to convert u or anything like that lmao.

Maybe it's cuz of how my parents raised me, or maybe its cuz of my religion but throughout my life, i never judge anyone no matter what they have done or who they are. I also make sure to help out anyone who either needs or wants my help for whatever reason. I think thats my best trait so i decided to write it here. That's basically it about me i think. If you wanna ask me something more specific or whatever, comment or pm me. I'll answer basically anything.

Well, continued prayers for the Virginia Tech victims and i hope everyone has a freakin awesome weekend! Peace!

Wii Code!

Really short post today, just wanted to give everyone my Wii Code. I only have Wii Sports and super paper mario tho so i'm probably not gonna be able to play anything with anyone but w/e. if u have a Wii, plz add me!

 Wii Code: 4057-8297-1644-7020

Thompson sickens me...

I know i said i was gonna talk about who i am in this post but I'm in a very not-talkative mood right now and haven't been able to write anything very intelligible so i'll save it for later. I just heard from a friends' blog about Thompson's newest spiel. He's using the tragedy at Virginia Tech as a fight against video games. He's saying how the guy (don't remember his name) was influenced by violent video games and whatnaught and that was the cause of the shooting.

This is absolutely sickening and basically shows me he has no morals at all. He's so devoted to his vendetta against the gaming industry that he has to take this tragedy and, in the days of grieving, tries to turn peoples emotions against video games. In his mind, the shooting was probably a good thing because it gives him more ammo in his never-ending war. He doesn't even really care that 33 lives were lost, he just sees it as an opportunity. It shows he has no humanity at all. Before I just thought he was an idiot who felt really strongly about his ideas but now i see that he's just a hateful person who needs something to fight against. It's disgusting and I can't get it out of my mind. I don't often wish bad things on anyone but i honestly hope this guy rots in hell. It's more than he deserves for what he's said and done.


Hey everyone! first things first. You've probably heard already but for those of you that havent, there was a school shooting today at Virginia Tech with 33 people dead. From what i heard, it's the worst in history. Sadly, it ended with the shooter killing himself. I don't know any more details than that but i just hope that everyone can keep the dead and their families in ur thoughts and prayers over the next few days. I can't imagine losing someone that way and I feel horrible for those that have to suffer through it. It's also sad for the shooter that he felt that was his only option. Overall, a very sad day.

Secondly, after reading SkateGame's blogs, i felt honestly inspired and i decided that I would make a post telling u guys about myself in the real world. It's weird talking to people over the net and not knowing anything about them in the real world so yeah. Unfortunately, i'm hella tired so the post will have to wait for tomorrow.

So, keep the victims, as well as the shooter, in ur prayers and thoughts. After this event, i worry about all my friends especially u guys that i don't know in rl and don't know what kind of situations ur in. So be careful everyone and stay safe. Peace.

New profile format.

Well, Gamespot updated the format of the about me stuff and i kinda like the idea but its really buggy. For one, i haven't written 47 reviews and only posted ratings on 10 games... also, i've only made half the amount of tags it said i have. Finally, it says there are 2 people tracking me that i'm not tracking. If ur tracking me and i haven't tracked u back, plz send me a msg but i'm pretty sure i'm friends with everyone tracking me...

anyway, aside from the glitches, i like the format and the idea. tab's seem to be the big thing on browsers so why not use them in gamespots format too! I don't really have anything else to say about that for now. Hopefully the glitches will get fixed pretty soon otherwise they're gonna start buggin me.

Also, I REALLY WANT TO GET TRAUMA CENTER!!!!! I have it next for my gamefly queue but i hate hearing about how awesome it is from a bunch of my friends and I CANT FREAKIN PLAY IT!!! OMG!!! I'm sending back Cthulu now (didn't like it very much. Just couldn't get into it. Had nothing to do with Trauma Center) and hopefully it'll come early next week.

Kinda random and has nothing to do with video games but my friend is gonna give me a Henna Tattoo (hopefully tomorrow) and she's a really great artist so it'll probably turn out looking really cool. I might get a picture up online if i'm really bored or just love it that much. Sorry i never got around to writing reviews for the last... 4 games i've played. They're probably never gonna happen. The only one i remember promising was hunter redeemer and i pretty much said that was a bad game. gameplay = great, everything else was really crappy. don't recommend it even if ur a fan of the hunter games. in fact, if you are a fan, i even more strongly recommend u DONT buy it cuz it's just so bad.

K that turned into a kinda long post. Now i have SAT class... psh. peace!