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Katosepe321 Blog

Next Gen's

Well, the new systems have been shown and I can't say Im too excited about any of them. The ps3 release was exciting up until the price announcements... *shudders* 500-600 dollars is a tiny bit out of my high school price range.Also the controller isnt nearly as exciting when nintendo did the same thing. the wii release is still hampered by the horrible name. Really the only really cool thing i saw today was from halo 3. that trailer was pretty kickass even if it didnt show anything at all =P. Im probably still gonna buy a ps3 but i doubt im gonna have nearly enough money to buy both a ps3 and a wii now. o well. k well im tired and i have skool tomorro so peace out. hopefully we'll have more exciting news tomorrow


Recentally, I've been getting really into the theatre world more than i ever thought i would. My top three plays I want 2 see right now r Avenue Q (funniest freakin thing ever), Wicked (which I actually got tickets 4!!!!! anyone who's tried knows how hard they r 2 get) and Assassins (really happy, upbeat show about the assassinations of presidents... kinda twisted but the singing is spectacular). 

Well, back to the video game world, (this is gamespot after all...). E3 is here and I can't WAIT to see the unveiling of the *REVOLUTION* (i refuse to call it by its OTHER name =P) and the Playstation 3. I know most people were all pissy about the ps3 controller but it didnt bother me that much. If they ended up releasing the boomerang design, it wouldnt change the fact that thats my first priority system 2 get. Also, im psyched to see the current gen games. Personally, twilight princess is pretty exciting ( i liked wind waker but im glad its goin back to the more adult based zelda.) as is xenosaga ep. 3 (cant ever remember the german names. they are german right?). Well thats pretty much it for now. three more weeks b4 i can use my left arm again =D. peace out everyone.

About me!

Hey everyone! Me again. I figured that if anyones gonna ever read this blog, they should prob know somethin about me. My real name is Devin and I'm a sophomore in high school. I've been playin vid games since I was old enough to hold a controller =). My first ever system was a sega genesis and i worked up my skillz since then. I got one brother and hes always about as good as me at pretty much any game (hes probably better than me at halo now cuz i havent played in so long x_x) so i can always practice against him if i need. Well, my genesis is long gone now but i have all 4 current gen systems (yes four u sega hating gamers out there) the xbox, gamecube, ps2, and the dreamcast. My favorite genre is by far RPG's (long live Grandia!) but i will play pretty much anything except sports games (excluding NHL hitz cuz thats always entertaining =D). I also luv anime of all kind. Many people in the anime world HATE english dubs but I dont really mind them that much. I just like w/e i hear first. My favorite show of all time is probably... Yu yu hakusho cuz that was the show that brought me into the internet anime community. Well i figure thats enough 4 now. Peace out everyone!

P.S. just cuz i luv anime doesnt mean im gay and doesnt mean i like dbz. DBZ sux. peace. 

first ever blog post!

hey homies and anyone else readin this, this is the one and only Katosepe. Odd how i've been using comps and the net for pretty much my entire life but i've nvr posted a blog b4... hmm... well anywho, on monday, i broke my arm which has made playin games a helluva lot harder than usual but i'm managin. Just started up Wind Waker again (played it b4 for about an hour and got bored =/). I still say it's pretty repetitive but its pretty fun. i figure i'll at least finish the story b4 i come to a final verdict on what i think of it. Oh yeah, one last thing, for anyone who hasnt gotten or hasnt heard of gamefly, you should rly check it out. i just got it and its awesome. for u who dont kno, its like netflix 4 video games. pretty cool. k peace out dawgs.

*edited 5/8/06* P.S. for anyone whos wondering, I dont have the 360 xbox live so my gamercard has nothing on it =/.