Wow, I just logged in and realized I haven't posted anything in forever. Well, I finally have some good stuff and some bad stuff to talk about! I just finished shooting an indi movie taht im gonna be in called Guns and Knives about two kids muggin their virtual reality robot. Pretty awesome. Me and this other kid got to mess around with airsoft guns and real knives while beatin on this huge guy who could have easily taken us in a fight. While filmin it, the director said he wanted me and Anthony (the other kid) to be in a TV show hes makin called Demea. Anyone who is watchin the Sci-fi channel is gonna be hearin about this one. I read some of the script and this stuff is dope. So thats the good stuff. On to the bad stuff. Long story short, I broke up with my gf on friday simply because it was too messy with me not being able to tell my parents about it and not bein able to drive (darn grades...). We still really good friends and not much is really gonna change though so its all good i guess. Well, I got shadow hearts the other day and that is awesome. Freakin incredible game and im gonna go play it now so cyaz. BTW anyone want to invite me to a union u know, id join. Cuz unions are cool.
Katosepe321 Blog
still waiting...
by Katosepe321 on Comments
No not like the song. Im still waitin for my friend to brign episode 2 xenosaga for me to beat so i picked up .hack//quarantine which i almost beat but then the virus cores pissed me off too much. Anyway, it was 11 o clock yesterday and i have school today so i was fightin cubia for the last freakin time and im thinkin o yeah this is ez, I finally beat this! woot! Well then i beat it, whole bunch of crap happens (cant say what cuz its MAJOR SPOILERS!!!) and then i find out i still have another dungeon to do. So backtracking. This dungeon where i fight cubia. Unlike the normal 3-5 floor dungeons in .hack, this dungeon is 10 FREAKING FLOORS!!!!! crazy long and if that weren't bad enough, its a dungeon where almost every enemy is a data bug. Anyone who has played .hack knows what a data bug and if you dont. Think in Final Fnatasy, a really hard boss where you have to use Coin Toss to beat it. A data bug, you HAVE to use data drain on it which, if you use it too much, will kill you. 10 floors of constant worry of OMG IM GONNA FREAKIN DIE FROM MY OWN GOD DARN MOVE!!! (i cant say the other word cuz the blog has censors =P) Not cool. Thankfully Cubia is easy and yeah. So i know that probably made no sense but w/e.
Namaste... and video game talk
by Katosepe321 on Comments
Well a whole bunch of people have been comin up to me lately and sayin Namaste. For those of you who dont know, its an indian (the country not native american) greeting much like our waving our hands. Its also the popular saying on the Hanso Website (which if youve been reading this blog at all you should know what it is). So kinda creepy. Also the fact that im seein in-game ads and stuff EVERYWHERE is really kinda creepy too. For example, you ever see those new sprite ads that say Sublymonal all over the place. Yeah thats a Lost Experience thing. You ever see those commercials for the Hanso Foundation. Yup... Jimmy Kimmel live had an interview recently with an exec from who else but the hanso foundation. creepy. I could go on for ages but this is a video game post.. so on to the video games.
First off, anyone who knows me in rl, plz talk to me cuz our church is doin video game tournaments now and you dont have to be a member or even a christian to play. Just come and there isnt gonna be any crappy evangilistic stuff (our uth pastor is pretty good about not bein pushy or crap like that) its just gonna be some awesme gamin action. Anyway, I finally beat Xenosaga ep. 1 and I hope to start on ep. 2 tomorrow. About time i finally got on with it. Unfortunately it might be a while b4 i beat it cuz i got a bunch of other homework and im gettin Shadow Hearts in the mail from gamefly. So.. idk. Still pissed off about them endin the series and you know.. im kinda pissed about them endin halo too. That seemed to be the one thing that was stable in my life right now was that there would always be the next halo to look forward too. At least theres always final fantasy. (Hey daddy look! i just got final fantasy 329201.) Final fantasy is eternal. Well, i got school tomorrow and have to read a big ass section of the book Night for tomorrow so. night everyone. and namaste!
Lost experience end
by Katosepe321 on Comments
Xenosaga ending???!!
by Katosepe321 on Comments
by Katosepe321 on Comments
Oh yeah! I finally got my first 2 emblems. Good Taste and Tagger Flirt. WOOT!!! I knew that spending that hour making random tags would pay off. So anyway, I just saw Advent Children last night (despite that fact that i've had it for about a year...) in Japanese and decided that it is freaking amazing. Best fighting of any anime ever created. unfortunately the storyline sux. I couldnt follow any of it except that theres a disease taht sux. It's pretty important to play through the game first for anyone who has been considering seein it who hasnt playd the game. K well, lost experience clue time!
We left off yesterday with the exec bios right? well now we're goin to go into the wide wide web beyond the Hanso's site to find some other clues. If you check the source code (this will be a common clue throughout TLE) then you will see a link to a site Well, lets check it out then shall we. No ones really sure how important DJ Dan is to the story but he seems to be gettin tips from Persephone and who knows, maybe despite all his elvis sightings and JFK theories, he's actually got something about the Hanso. I recommend you skim through the website first and then check out the podcast page. Listen to the 5/16 cast and you will notice that the notice says next podcast is 6/1. Well from this post, thats tomorrow. If you just found the site from this blog, then you missed out on the podcast that came out 5/26. After you listen to the 5/16 cast, look down at the pictures at the bottom. On the one with the army hat you will see a faint message that says Code: Persephone. This picture is also linked to If you've been here before, you will know that its kinda a messed up site that flashes codes at you randomly that you type in and can get a funny movie. Well instead of typing in the so-far stupid pointless codes, type in Persephone. You will see some text flash and will here a summed up story of Persephone the legend. The password will be on the tail of the plane picture that is flashing around the textbox. For those of you with bad eyes, the password is 108. You will go to a blank page and will hear the 5/26 podcast for DJ Dan. Pretty cool huh. Well now im taking you to a completely different place which is much more involved with the show LOST. go to yup its the homepage for oceanic airlines with flight 815 already programmed in. Note the number of passengers at the bottom. Pretty funny huh? Well theres a couple of things you can do before you check the flight itself. On the yellow message to the side, move your mouse around the second paragraph. eventually a message will pop up underneath the text on the yellow box. Highlight it to make the message clear. Kinda cool. Now go over the flight search thing and hit search. You will be taken to the seating chart for flight 815. Click on row F seat numbers, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 then go one row down and click seat 42. For each number a different square will turn green (or red sometimes) click on the squares to see things about your favorite characters. keep clicking until the square goes back to normal. now click on the pre-flight check in button to see a small clip with walt and michael. Finally go down to the column numbers and click on 4 8 15 16 23 42 in a row and you will see a preview of Lost season 2. Now for the part that involves TLE. Go to the source code again and you will see a message from a guy trapped on an island in the south pacific. Its currently unknown who the guy is or what purpose he plays in the LE. maybe he's on the lostaways island or maybe not and either way, how did he manage to hack oceanic airs website? Many questions, not too many answers. The way lost usually works huh. Well thats all for today. Thank you and Namaste.
The thought of buying a wii just got a lot better *no pun intended*
by Katosepe321 on Comments
Lets just get this out of the way first. Take this blog post out of context and it will be one of the nastiest things ever. I plan on using the name Wii not because I like it but because it looks like im not keeping up with things if i call it the revolution. K glad tahts over. Anyway on to the main point. I just checked out the news and found that the Wii has been announced by Nintendo specifically as not exceeding more than $250 dollars at launch. Thats insanely cheap compared with everything else being like 400-600. Just because of that article, im now highly considering getting it. comment on what you think.
Just a minor news flash thats unbelievably awesome!!!! .hack//G.U. was #1 on Japan's best seller list for this week for all systems! hopefully it's gonna be just as awesome here.
Another day, Another rant, another Lost Experience clue!
by Katosepe321 on Comments
Well, I was just talkin to my friend about shooter games and I realized how much i was cutting myself off from the whole genre. He's just recently picked up Half-Life and was all excited about it and talks about it a lot. As I thought about it all shooter games are pretty much the same old thing except for Battlefront. Theres the ever cliche WWII and Vietnam war games that will go on till the end of time. Theres the weird sci-fi shooters like Halo and Timesplitters (i like halo but...) and then theres the online ones like Counterstrike and DOD (I guess battlefront fits in here too huh...) If you've played one, youve played them all. Oh right, dont forget the James Bond style games. Perfect Dark fits in here too. Im just sick of the repetitiveness. All genres seem to be getting stuck in this rut of games are supposed to be a certain way and lets just create new levels and weapons. RPG's sometimes get it right and make a new system of fighting but most other genres have the same thing over and over again. RTS's are the worst!!!!!! Well, hopefully we'll be gettin some new stuff with the release of the PS3 and the wii.
Lost Experience time! Onto the next two exec bio's huh? Well Lets check out Peter Thompson as he's the easist first. When you click on his picture you will see faint outlines of letters flashing over his face very quickly. Well lucky for you guys, I have good eyes =). The password is survivor guilt and you can put it into the secret textbox right below his picture. this will give you an insight into the happy trials of Mr. Peter Thompson. Very nice huh? Well onto the infamous Alvar Hanso. He's a little bit trickier and you're going to have to search around a little bit before you can look at his records. Go to and when it loads, put the mouse at about 108 degrees which is a tiny bit under the E arrow from the compass's original position. If you can't find it, simply move the mouse in a circle around the compass a little out away from the actual border and you will eventually find it. The screen should show a weird map with a bunch of numbers and stuff on it. (Note: in the compass thing is a number DI TFFTR731 which has shown up on many dharma items from the show.) If you click on the link that is the 108 degrees mark, you will see a short monochrome computer simulation thing pop up. I havent figured out if any of the start up stuff matters at all but it will ask you at the bottom if you are one of the good ones? Well from the show, you should know that the "good ones" are Dharma operatives. So say no and it should take you to Alvar Hanso's bio with the date of the picture underlined. Click on this and off you go to visit Alvar Hanso's world tour. Too bad it ended 4 years ago and he hasnt been seen since! Well thats all for today. See you later! I just found some awesome new stuff and ill tell you what i've found tomorrow if its at all important.
CONVO!!!! plus new lost experience clues!
by Katosepe321 on Comments
So i just got back from this incredible camp called Convo. Im not lookin at my last blog post so i dont know how much i talked about it before so ill just give the whole spiel. Basically it's a camp for Methodists in the Pacific Northwest (Washington State, Idaho, Oregon? [ dont know what the boundaries are for the methodist conference]). Every year it takes place in May at some christian college and it usually has about 200-300 high school students that go. Its for 3 days and is the event that completely changed my life. Because of Convo, i started becoming more involved with my church and I was unafraid of my faith. Before I thought of the whole religion as true but kinda geeky and not something you really talk about. After this camp, I became proud of my faith and now i wear a cross around my neck as kinda a show that I'm christian. It also reminds me that it isnt something to be ashamed of or even indifferent about. About the camp itself, its impossible to describe in words what the camp is like but it does bring on a sense of peace of mind. I cant think of any time of the year when i am more happy than at Convo. Its a time where you can completely forget the outside world and all the worries you have. The people there always accept you for who you are no matter what, too. Its amazing to see people loving each other in contrast to being at high school where everyone wears masks to hide themselves and everyone has their own clicks that no one else can enter. Also theres a bunch of hot girls. Thats always a plus =D.
On to the lost experience. Still on the Hanso Website. Go to the exec bios page. Woah! its the people that you heard on the phone! anyway, these are the key players so far in the ongoing Hanso mystery. Alvar Hanso is the missing leader of the hanso. Dr. Thomas Mittelwerk is a mysterious scientist. Hugh McIntyre is the communications director. and finally Peter Thompson seems to be their private defender and secretary for the foundation. I promise you will learn more about all these people later (they have some interesting backgrounds =D) Ill go over 2 of them for now. Click on the picture at the top of Thomas Mittelwerk. BTW before i get any farther into this, I recommend you read all the bios before finding out more about them. from Persephone. On the doctors bio, you will see a textbox in the middle of his bio.Odd... but then again so is the clock in the corner that flashes OBEY every once in a while =P. I havent found out when it flashes OBEY but it will and if you click on it it will take you to Now, I believe that they changed the site substantially and I no longer know how to find the password on the site so ill make it easier by just giving it to you. Go back to Mittelwerks bio and type Heir Apparent into the text box. You will find out a lot of cool things about the so called doctors past. Next, go to Hugh McIntyres page. I'll be honest with you guys, I have no idea how to find his password this was the only one I had to look up online. Under the "Log in for Press Releases" textbox, type in "A mouth piece" you will see a not quite as interesting as the doctors, video on Mr. McIntyre. Hansos not lookin too good now huh? I wonder who this Persephone is too. Is she the girl from the opening door? One theory that I think is the most plausable is that she is Alex, the french chicks daughter who was taken by the others on the show. The story behind the name Persephone, is that she was a greek legend who was kidnapped as a child by bad guys and followed them but never agreed with them about anything. Also, as we have seen from the show, she doesnt really like what the Hanso's doing and wants to help the 815 people. Well, I'll post the next two exec bios tomorrow and maybe even a secret in the Hanso's projects if im in a good mood ;). Have fun! Namaste.
The Lost Experience
by Katosepe321 on Comments
K guys, I'm sure that you've all heard of the show Lost. I've mentioned it many times before. Anyway, there is an online game thats been goin on for about 3 weeks called The Lost Experience. Well this isnt your typical net game. Its called an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) and it involves sifting through game related websites, commercials, movies, phone numbers, even published books for information on lost. You must follow clues given to you by someone named Persephone. The journey starts at For those of you fans who dont pay too close attention, The Hanso Foundation (THF) is the company running the Dharma Initiative. For those of you that REALLY dont pay attention. Dharma is the octogonal symbol found on just about everything in the show Lost. Im gonna post new clues and secrets as I find them. For those of you that want to do this on your own, dont read past this.
First you must go to the newsletter sign up page on the THF website. type in anything and you will get a message from Persephone. She will ask you for a password. If you dont know what it is, type in anything and she will tell you to call the hanso system. If your too lazy to figure the number out for yourself. its. 1-877-HANSORG. This will take you to a machine that tells you 1- general info, 2- Alvar Hanso, 3- Dr. whatever his name is, 4- Hugh McIntyre, 5- Peter Thompson. I recommend listening to all of them but the most important one is number 1. Persephone will hack the system and tell you that the password is Breaking Strain. Once you type this in to the newsletter sign up page, you will get a cool movie thing showing you that you are now signed in. This is your first step on finding out about the corruption inside the Hanso. I'll give you one more hint for today. I changed my mind, ill give you a one or two secrets every day to keep up suspense. There are several things you can do from here, but i recommend going to the Joops Corner first. Send a message to joop. Not sure if it means anything or not but if you look closely at the "live" webcam feed, you will see a face in the picture. Apparently (i havent tried this yet for myself, but ive heard from some other people) if you print out the page without altering anything, you will see clear face in the cam that some speculate is the med guy from the mental health project. Anyway, send the message to joop. If you tried this before contacting Persephone, you will know that it just times out. Well now that your logged in it will work. Joop will get angry and you will have to do a weird connect the dots puzzle thing. Once you finish this, sit back and enjoy persephones data that she found. I just realized this weekend im gonna be gone so i guess the next post will be on Tuesday. Good luck till then!
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